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jqGrid for PHP update

March 10th, 2010

Today we announce a new updated version of jqGrid for PHP.
This version fixes some bugs and have two major things:

1. Based on the most user request and experience we have published a new documentation, which will help to solve the most problems easy and without walking in the API. The main part of documentation is written as Tutorials which we hope you will like this. The documentation can be found in the Documentation section for jqGrid for PHP

2. Based on the most user request we add two additional database drivers:
– Oracle database driver
– SQLite database driver

The Oracle database driver is ready for production and does not use the PHP PDO, but the native PHP driver

The SQLite driver is supported through PHP PDO and is still in beta

Kind Regards
jqGrid Team

  1. h81900
    March 11th, 2010 at 05:59 | #1

    Can we add jqgrid jsp(java) project?
    java is a popular develop languange.

  2. Rumen Stankov
    March 11th, 2010 at 11:34 | #2


    We have plans for Java, yes, but at the time we are struggling to find the most popular Java framework. It seems that the Java web frameworks space is very fragmented (GWT, JSP, JSF, etc) so we just do not know what to use.

    Any ideas on that?

    Rumen Stankov
    Trirand Inc.

  3. h81900
    March 11th, 2010 at 15:17 | #3

    many projects offer java version,for example http://ckeditor.com/.

    Jsp and servlet are the most simple java web framework,all java programers can work with it.

    struts is anther choice.

  4. Vorapoap
    March 12th, 2010 at 20:14 | #4

    When I am looking at 499$USD license

    What does it mean when you mentions

    “Free 1 year delivery for all new PHP products and updates for an year. ”

    Does that mean I am eligible to any upgrade of JqGrid for PHP for 1 year?
    Am I elgibile to unlimited upgrade of JqGrid for PHP but 1 year upgrade for other PHP product?

  5. tony
    March 13th, 2010 at 16:41 | #5


    The difference between the $299 and $449 (and not $499 as you write) licenses is that the $449 (subscription) license features everything the standard ($299) license does, plus

    – better response time (24h guaranteeed)
    – full source code of the component (very useful in debugging, adding funcitonality, etc)
    – free delivery of all PHP products we ship for an year – this means new versions of jqGrid, fixes and additional products that we will be releasing throughout the year (roadmap is still not finalized)


  6. Vorapoap
    March 13th, 2010 at 18:25 | #6


    Hmm sorry about typo 449$, I would say that this license would sound more promising if it offered unlimited upgrade to “jqGrid for PHP” not just throughout a year.. but it is your call anyway.

    Thanks for great work, Tony.

  7. tony
    March 13th, 2010 at 18:41 | #7

    Not a problem.
    We consider a upgrade after a year at very low price. Soon we will publish our final decision again with a very good news for our products.


  8. Karina
    April 8th, 2010 at 12:03 | #8



    Not that JSP is not a used technology, but JSF would be a bit more up-to-date. A JSF component would be what I dream of 🙂
    We’re using jQgrid in several Facelets pages, where the actual grid data is fetched from JSF Backing Beans – and happens to be formatted as JSON.
    A component/tag would be of course very elegant 🙂


  9. Jonathan
    April 26th, 2010 at 20:13 | #9


    But the (php) “Edit,Add,Delete in the same grid” is not working on the last version, Try to edit “CustomerID” in the demo.
    I have downloaded the last version to test, but the del+add feature together break the functionality.

  10. Pawel
    May 17th, 2010 at 01:34 | #10

    Hi Karina,
    I’m want to build some application with will use jsf and data from mongoDB
    and jqrid is that what I need, but I don’t know how to start with this. Would you be so kind and give me some sample how to use jqgrid with jsf and java beans? It’s very important to me.

    Best regards,
    <a href="#comment-

    Karina :
    Not that JSP is not a used technology, but JSF would be a bit more up-to-date. A JSF component would be what I dream of
    We’re using jQgrid in several Facelets pages, where the actual grid data is fetched from JSF Backing Beans – and happens to be formatted as JSON.
    A component/tag would be of course very elegant


  11. May 21st, 2010 at 19:46 | #11

    This looks very cool, but it costs too much.

  12. July 23rd, 2010 at 13:46 | #12


    For the Struts2 framework exists already an jqGrid Implementation.


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