
Archive for August, 2015

Summer Magic Begins: Special Offer

August 12th, 2015 No comments

Dear, Friends!

We’d like to use the Summer Holidays to say thank you for using Guriddo products and for help to making it the most popular jQuery grid control on the market.

Starting today, you can now purchase commercial licenses for jqGrid.Mobile for Javascript.

Finally, Summer is here and we would like to offer you a special Summer promotion for all Guriddo products. Starting today and throughout the month of September 15, 2015 a bonus package is available for all Guriddo products. This coincides with the 5.0 release of all our major suites – Javascript, PHP. We have introduced many new products, features and fixes, including the brand new native Bootstrap support.

And finally – buy our product and get jqGrid.Mobile JavaScript for free

You are still not a registered user? Do not worry about this. We have a special offer for you! You can purchase a license of any of our product and get jqGrid.Mobile JavaScript for free. During this time you will be able to get the technical support, use prerelease versions of the product updates that you can immediately use in your projects.

How to use this offer?
It is very simple! You need to go to the purchase page of our website, choose the software product that suits you and pay for it.

For getting more information, please send your request to our sales department


Kind Regards,

Tony Tomov


Guriddo jqGrid.Mobile JavaScript 1.2 is released

August 12th, 2015 2 comments

Hello All,

We are happy to inform you that today we have released a Guriddo jqGrid.Mobile for JavaScript 1.2 version.
This version has many fixes and compatibility changes.

The updated demo can be seen here

The trial download can be obtained from here

License details can be seen here

Below is a short list of changes

– jquery 1.8-1.11/2.1 compatible
– jQuery Mobile 1.45 compatible
– Theme changes
– Better iScroll support
– language file changes
– A lot of fixes

This version include the following modules:

  • Grid Base Module – grid.base.js
  • Common Grid Module – grid.common.js
  • Fileter Functions – grid.filter.js
  • Form Editing – grid.formedit.js
  • Grouping Features – grid.grouping.js
  • Import/Export Features – grid.import.js
  • Subgrid Support – grid.subgrid.js
  • Utility/Language Functions – grid.utils.js
  • Scrolling module – iscroll.js
  • Formatters – jquery.fmatter.js


TriRand Team


Guriddo Suito for PHP 5.0 is released

August 12th, 2015 No comments

Hello All,

Short after Guriddo jqGrid 5.0 for JavaScript is released we are pleased to announce the availability of the Guriddo Suito 5.0 for PHP. The release have the same additions and changes as defined in the post here plus:

  • Fixes in rennderTree when echo parameter is set to false
  • Fix export to PDF to work with strict mode
  • Added ip type to the base types in jqValidator
  • Added ‘displayName’ parameter in validations array to display the human readable field when error occur

You may enjoy of our new Boostrap PHP demo

As usual, any feedback is welcome.
Happy coding!

Tony Tomov


Guriddo jqGrid JavaScript 5.0 is released

August 3rd, 2015 6 comments

Hello All,

We are pleased to announce the new Guriddo jqGrid 5.0 release. This release is a cornerstone in our job. We plan great new features and improvements in the future like Node.js port, JavaScript exporting to PDF and much more.

In addition to adding native Bootstrap support to the grid, we’ve also added a lot of improvements to our pivot and tree grid features, improved support for the latest jQuery releases (2.1.x), intensive tests with jQuery 3.0 future release, provided better experience for mobile users adding a responsive option and fixed more than 20 bugs. Here are the highlights:

Native Boostrap Support

As of version 5.0 Guriddo jqGrid can be adapted easy with any CSS framework. We have develoed a Bootstrap port. To use the feature you will need only to include the appropriate CSS

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="path_to_css_files/ui.jqgrid-bootstrap.css" />

file and tell jqGrid to use Bootstrap – with the option:

$("#grid").jqGrid( {
styleUI : "Bootstrap",

Except Column Chooser and re sizing the grid with a mouse we support all the jqGrid existing features.

You can enjoy the Guriddo jqGrid Bootstrap Demo

Independent CSS Styling

We have changed our code so that jqGrid can be developed with any CSS framework. This can be achieved with a setting of the styleUI object to use the appropriate classes. The full description will be added into the documentation.

Responsive Grid
We have added a responsive options which make the grid a really responsive.
With this options the grid is re sized automatically when the device is rotated and the windows width is changed. Another useful feature is auto calculating the the space of the navGrid buttons – if the space does not fith the grid width we create a drop dawn menu button where all actions are inserted.


We added new events and a method called reloadNode. With this method is possible to reload only certain node data and put it into the treeGrid instead of reloading the entrie treeGrid which in some situations consume a lot of time.

The code below reloaded only the added or edited node (Form editing module)

var reloadnode = function (rowid, rowdata, rowobject)
var id = $("#tree").jqGrid('getGridParam','selrow');
if(id) { // if add a root do not reload
var record = $("#tree").jqGrid('getLocalRow',id);
$("#tree").jqGrid('reloadNode', record);

{ "afterComplete" : reloadnode, "reloadAfterSubmit" : false, "closeAfterSubmit" :true}, //add
{ "afterComplete" : reloadnode, "reloadAfterSubmit" : false, "closeAfterSubmit" :true}, //edit

Fixed a lot of Bugs related to showing the labels and groupig.

Full list of changes us a URI ENCODED, comma separated list of tags. For example to tag with 'ASP.NET MVC', 'dependency injection', 'DI' and 'TDD': data-tags="ASP.NET%20MVC%2cdependency%20injection%2cDI%2cIOC%2cTDD" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->

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