Guriddo jqGrid JS version 5.8.0 is released
December 20th, 2022
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We are glad to announce the new release of Guriddo jqGrid JavaScript version 5.8.0.
This version is a minor release and add improvements in local exporting, add new col-span
header method to, new experimental comboGrid, improved columns searching and much more.
The release has a lot of important bug fixes.
For a full list of additions and fixes look below:
Additions and Updates¶
- When groupHeader is on the names appear in columns colmenu
- Support colSpamStyle when export to excel and pdf and header grouping is on
- ColumnChooser can not take in account grouping header values. To activate set groupHeaders to true in the method options.
- Define inColumnHeader function as common to overcome writing repeated code
- Added experimental comboGrid method
- filterInput method can now be used for remote(ajax) data. Added new parameter to it selectFirstFound to highlight(select) the first found record in grid and firstFoundTimeout
- Add new boolean parameter in bindKeys – onSlectRow – which disables or enables the execution of onSelectRow when enter is pressed. Default true.
- Make getGridRowById method to use the much faster namedItem JavaScript build in function.
- Add new method getGridRowByIndex to return the grid row by index.
- Add grid parameter defaultColWidth default column width parameter in case the width is not set in colModel.
- Add maxWidth option in colModel to support maximum width in columns. See
- Add two new methods hideSearchCol and showSearchCol to show and hide columns when searchCols is on
- Update the Romanian language file
- Added onHeaderKeyCheck event in the methods ariaHeaderGrid or in setAriaGrid to check the key when the navigation is on the header cells. Accept index an event as parameters.
- Change the number of parameters of onKeyCheck in ariaGrid ariaBodyGrid and excelLike grid
- Add option visibleCoumns in searchColOptions to exclude a search on certain columns.
- Remove column menu when show/hide col and do not remove it when sorting
- Changes in dialogs bootstrap5
- Add possibility to include fields by name in the summaryTpl formatting string. See
- Add possibility to export only visible tree nodes in all export modules. The option is visibleTreeNodes, which by default is false.
- Add option excel_header_format in exportoptions to separately format the header labels in export to excel.
- Added new event replace_header_format, which is similar to replace_format, but only for the headers
- Add labels array in data object parameter so that we can modify all the data before export in export modules. See customizeData event.
- Adding Shift key to the disabled array in searchColOnKey method.
- Added multiseparator option (string) in select editoptions to custom separate the data when multiple select is used instead of “,”
- triggerToolbar function accept parameter page to load certain page after triggering the search.
- Add methods setColSpanHeader and destroyColSpanHeader to span header cells in grid header.
Bug Fixes¶
- Fix scrollMaxBuffer to work correct when virtual scroll is enabled.
- Fix colmenu select in bootstrap5
- Fix customFilterDef to run correctly after replacing eval
- Fix loadState and jqGridExport methods to work correct when searchCols is on.
- Fix not needed calculation when autoResizing is off, which can cause memory and time consuming in case of relative many rows and columns
- Fix for bootstrap 3 css
- Fix sizingString Function to accept options from formatter.
- Fix title in serch dialog subgroup button
- Fix for rtl
- Fix sorting parameters when grouping is removed
- CSS fixes for bootstrap5
- Fix Bootstrap5 alert class
- Fix grouping when groupingCollapse true and showSummaryOnHide. See
- Fix searchColOnEnter to work correct when frozenRows is on
- Fix bootstrap5 to view the form without transparency
- Fix horizontal scroll when filterToolbar.
- Fix exportToExcel date fields.
- Fix export hidden cols in exportToExcel
- Fixing destroyColSpanHeader to do hide=false on the hidden spanning columns
- Fix form edit form when initially set to auto and then reopen it without to change its position
- Fixes for Bootstrap5 – search dialog and filter toolbar.
- Small fix in setFrozenRows when data is already here (to quick)
- Fix setRowData in case of treeGrid and the column is leaf
Enjoy the new Release
Kind Regards,
Guriddo Team
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