Hello All,
Due to problems with publishing jqGrid to jQuery plugin site we have updated our jqGrid to 4.5.2 version.
Actually this is the same as 4.5.1 (with little changes), so not worry what version you will use 4.5.1 or 4.5.2
This kind of script has been used in this poker book website where jqGrid plugin is used to create this poker books page.
Thank you
jqGrid Team
Hello All,
The jqGrid 4.5.1 release is out. This release fixes a lot of bugs
For the full list of changes refer to the jqGrid 4.5.1 change log
jqGrid Team
Hello All,
We are happy to announce the fresh new jqGrid 4.5 release. This release adds new functionality and bug fixes. Here is what is new:
- Sort by multiple columns
- Toolbar searching with possibility to select different search operations
- jQuery 2.0 support
- A LOT of fixes.
The documentation and examples are up to date. You can see it in the appropriate pages.
The examples are in Functionality and searching item in demo and are marked as (new)
The full Change-log is here
Many Thanks to all that helped us to improve our jqGrid
The Trirand Team
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