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jqGrid 3.5 beta

May 24th, 2009

I’m very happy to publish jqGrid 3.5 beta version on this day.
The cahnges are so many so that I will not publish them here. If you download the release you will find a Changes.txt file.

Three very important things are happen with 3.5 beta
1. jQuery UI Theme integration.
2. New rendering engine, which improves the loading speed in some cases up to 10 time faster as of previous releases.
3. At end I have made a decision to remove the loader. From this release I introduce a new download manager which simplicity the procedure of settings the grid to work. Here you can choose what to download. All the files are splited in one file.

As usual the last development source code can be obtained from GitHub.

Do not forget to check the new things here


  1. Baylander
    July 17th, 2009 at 15:41 | #1

    Hi Tony,

    thank you for your excellent work.

    When changing from JQGrid 3.4 to 3.5beta, my Grid content is always displayed with class=’ui-state-error’. In JQGrid 3.4 content was shown correct. Is this a bug, or an error in my code?


    besser wäre timestamp1970

    if (user_id == ” && db_day == ”) return false

    _gridUrl = ‘files/ajax/reqDailyOutput.php?uid=’+user_id+’&db_day=’+db_day;
    _datatype = “json”;

    jQuery(“#dailyoutputTable”).setGridParam({url: _gridUrl, datatype: _datatype ,page:1}).trigger(“reloadGrid”);


  2. Anita
    July 18th, 2009 at 00:15 | #2

    Hi Tony,

    Great job on this widget! I’ve been using it extensively in my web application, but I have hit a road block and was wondering if you foresee any added flexibility for the developer in the near future regarding the html forms.
    I am using ASP.NET MVC and ideally I would want to pass data from the html form to the controller (and back) using the ID of the object whose properties are displayed in the form, but I do not want that ID to be visible to the user at all. Does 3.5 have that capability already and I missed it? Right now, the html form seems to only pass strings in visible fields.
    Is there a way to only use the Id of the object but use the DataModel to get the other properties and display them?

    Thank you for your time and help,

  3. Sumanta
    July 18th, 2009 at 12:13 | #3


    Apologies for posting this twice, I have used “cellsubmit: ‘clientArray’”.

    Question1 : How do I call now getChangedCells to access the group of cells edited, say suppose on click of a button.

    All events like afterSaveCell, afterEditCell are on individual/single cells and not on a group of cells.

    Question2: getChangedCells method doesn’t have any rows[] /cells[] as parameter. How to access the clientArray.

    Any help is highly apreciated.

    Many Thanks – Sumanta

  4. Kris
    July 18th, 2009 at 19:39 | #4

    Hi Anita,

    Here’s a link that explains about using jqGrid with ASP.NET MVC

  5. seasurfer
    July 19th, 2009 at 16:53 | #5

    I am trying to use the 3.5 BETA version. Would you please let me know if I can download the demo files of 3.5 beta to start with.

  6. Eric
    July 19th, 2009 at 19:52 | #6

    Hi Tony,
    I’m new to JqGrid and would like to know is it possible to decide whether a particular cell editable at run time?

    Say I have a column with editable = false (in general not editable), but if some value from the same row hits a condition, I will allow the cell to be editable.

    Can it be done in current release? or is there workaround? currently I have disabled the column, put the checking to onSelectCell and if i want to allow users to edit, i just prompt an popup dialog asking for new value…. not good idea i know..

  7. mike_66
    July 19th, 2009 at 21:06 | #7

    Hi @all,
    i’m working on a new website for days now and would like to use this amazing jqgrid, if i could figure out on how to import xml tags for select cells…here is my ColModel and the xml part:

    colModel: [
    {name: “id”, index: “id”, width: 25, editable: false, editoptions: { readonly: true }},
    {name: “sid”, index: “sid”, width: 65, editable: false, edittype: “text”, editoptions: { readonly: true }},
    {name: “ts”, index: “ts”, width: 125, editable: false, edittype: “text”, editoptions: { readonly: true }},
    {name: “un”, index: “un”, width: 75, editable: true, edittype: “text”, editoptions: { size: 100 }},
    {name: “status”, index: “status”, width: 35, editable: true, edittype: “text”, editoptions: { size: 10 }},
    {name: “skill”, index: “skill”, width: 35, editable: true, edittype: “text”, editoptions: { size: 10 }},
    {name: “amail”, index: “amail”, width: 65, editable: true, editoptions: { size: 100 }},
    {name: “ut”, index: “ut”, width: 75, editable: true, edittype: “select”, editoptions: { size: 20 }},
    {name: “pwf”, index: “pwf”, width: 55, editable: true, edittype: “text”, editoptions: { size: 10 }},
    {name: “newpw”, index: “newpw”, width: 75, editable: false, edittype: “text”, editoptions: { readonly: true }},
    {name: “newpwts”, index: “newpwts”, width: 125, editable: false, edittype: “text”, editoptions: { readonly: true }},
    {name: “pwts”, index: “pwts”, width: 145, editable: false, edittype: “text”, editoptions: { readonly: true }}








    So what i would like to have is, that jqGrid loads the xml stuff correct into the colModel…everything works fine, except the part width the .

    Is there someone, who could tell me, what i did wrong?


  8. July 20th, 2009 at 05:15 | #8

    Hi, your plugin is excellent, but i have some problem with another plugin, I use jqgrid 3.5 and also use jsoncookie, i dont know what is wrong, after trial and error i checked line by line, and the error just come from when i load source js from jqqrid. may be there’s a conflict with JSON Parse, coz firebug say this error

    JSON.parse is not a function
    anonymous(“waa”)jquery.j…cookie.js (line 21)
    anonymous(“waa”, Object path=/ expires=10, Object path=/ expires=10)jquery.j…cookie.js (line 46)
    ISTWeb_v.2()ISTWeb_v.2 (line 94)
    [Break on this error] return cookieData ? JSON.parse(cookieData) : {};\n

    i just set cookie and alert that cookie, that code work well if i dont load jqgrid but error happened when i load jqgrid.. Thanks

  9. Anita
    July 20th, 2009 at 18:33 | #9

    Hi Kris,

    Thank you for your help.
    I read all Craig Stuntz’s posts on jqGrid (prior to asking my question above) and none of them talks about using the default model binder in ASP.NET MVC. We don’t use LINQ in our implementation, and Craig does not go over form editing. As for validation, I’ve already had to change the source code in order to allow for explicit errors (that tell the user which object causes the error and why) when in edit mode.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you,

  10. Vorapoap
    July 21st, 2009 at 01:08 | #10

    I have found another fix for table CSS

    ui.jqgrid.css (line:28)

    .ui-jqgrid .ui-jqgrid-btable {

    With the latest build from GitHub, sometimes .. my table body doesn’t align to the left (in Firefox 3.5), I used firebug to debug and found out that, adding margin-left:0;’ can solve the problem.

  11. Joakim
    July 21st, 2009 at 02:20 | #11

    Hi! (again) 🙂

    I have a bit of a silly question, actually. I’m pretty sure the support is in the application, but after searching high and low I just can’t find it.

    [relevant bit]

    What I want to do is being able to have a popup to edit a column, but that column should not be visible in the actual grid.

    [/relevant bit]

    I realize I could just do hideCol() on them individually, but it’d be so much prettier if I didn’t have to do that iteration.

    Any hint would be appreciated!

    Thanks 🙂

  12. Joakim
    July 21st, 2009 at 02:41 | #12

    Never mind that last comment. I was silly and thought that the only documentation that existed were the actual demos. After finding the excellent documentation I see that it’s clearly there and very easy to find.

    Again, good job 🙂

  13. Pavel
    July 21st, 2009 at 12:12 | #13

    Hi Tony and everyone,

    i’ve asked it also, but have got no answer.
    In the last builds (10, 11 and the build from today) there’re a bug (?) with a multiboxonly property in a combination with multiselect.

    I’ve defined


    I can still select the row by clicking on it, the last selected row/rows is/are unselected at the moment.The selarrrow-array is reset and consist of only one just selected id.

    Multiselect with checkboxes works fine.

    Does anyone have the same problem?

    Thank you

    Best regards,


  14. July 21st, 2009 at 12:21 | #14

    The purpose of multiboxonly is like yahoo mail. Try to click only on checkboxes (on multiselect column) and see what will be happen.

  15. Pavel
    July 21st, 2009 at 12:58 | #15

    tony :
    The purpose of multiboxonly is like yahoo mail. Try to click only on checkboxes (on multiselect column) and see what will be happen.

    If i click on the checkbox, I can select multiple rows, but if I click near the the box (but still in the column), I have all selected rows deselected and only one row selected. The same behavior is if I click on the row.

  16. July 21st, 2009 at 13:13 | #16

    I have created example to show how to work with jqGrid and WCF service. here is the link http://ybbest.wordpress.com/2009/07/20/working-with-jqgrid-and-wcf-service/

  17. July 21st, 2009 at 15:28 | #17

    I have add some functionaly.
    Maybe for anybody will help.

    I use tree grid and mani nav buttons.
    Result: last buttons not displayed(croped).

    In grid.base(line 72 – options) add
    navParams: {left:true, center:true, right:true},

    In grid.base(line 1296) add
    $.each(ts.p.navParams,function(i,val) {
    if (val)

    Change (line 1300)
    $(ts.p.pager).addClass(‘ui-jqgrid-pager corner-bottom’).append(XXXX)


    Now if i need only navbar i set center:false,right:false and all buttons are displayed.

  18. July 21st, 2009 at 15:31 | #18


  19. July 21st, 2009 at 15:50 | #19


  20. Anita
    July 21st, 2009 at 20:07 | #20

    Hi Tony,

    I’m reposting this because I do not have an answer yet.
    Great job on this widget! I’ve been using it extensively in my web application, but I have hit a road block and was wondering if you foresee any added flexibility for the developer in the near future regarding the html forms.
    I am using ASP.NET MVC (and did read Craig Stuntz’s blog, but we don’t use LINQ, and he doesn’t cover HTML form edit) and ideally I would want to pass data from the html form to the controller (and back) using the ID of the object whose properties are displayed in the form, but I do not want that ID to be visible to the user at all. Does 3.5 have that capability already and I missed it? Right now, the html form seems to only pass strings in visible fields.
    Is there a way to only use the Id of the object but use the DataModel to get the other properties and display them?

    Thank you for your time and help,

  21. Mary Pham
    July 21st, 2009 at 23:37 | #21

    Problem with firefox

    Hi Tony,
    First, thank you very much for a wonderful tool. I’m testing out this version and love the new features. However the problems I encounters in firefox (version are:
    1. data cells collapses (no width) until activating by mouse over. I think it’s the problem with ui script because I saw the same problem with the left nav on your demo site as well.
    2. Sorting icon on the header do not displayed (both on my test page and on jqGrid demo page)
    3. The grid fails to load content ( no record display) randomly on navigating/sorting (IN IE 7, it works more consistently)

    Do you know what I might have done wrong or are they bugs? I might try to duplicate the problem in the stable version and see if it works.


  22. tony
    July 22nd, 2009 at 08:46 | #22

    To be a honest it is difficult to me to understand what you mean. Also to summarize: You have custom form and want to connect this form to the grid – i.e get data from grid and set data to grid. If this is the case you can use the formToGrid and gridToForm methods. The only requirement in this case is that the names in the form should be equal of those in the grid. You can look in the Examples: New in version 3.2 -> Custom Button and Forms

    @Mary Pham
    Sorry, but at the moment I do not have FireFox 2.x

  23. July 22nd, 2009 at 10:42 | #23

    Will you in future add functionaly for saving status of treegrid(expand)?

  24. Vorapoap
    July 22nd, 2009 at 11:11 | #24

    Dear Tony,

    File grid.formedit.js
    Line:280 …..form name=’FormPost’ id='”+frmgr+”‘….

    Here in this line, you hard-code the style for this element “overflow:auto”.
    In order to get the auto form width to work (get rid of x-scrollbar in the dialog’s form), I have to define the rule for form.FormPost { overflow:visible !important }.

    Just let you know that you may want to remove this, or move it to ui.jqgrid.css
    For me, I don’t like the idea to define the form width. I like it to be auto…

  25. Renata
    July 22nd, 2009 at 11:40 | #25

    Hi Tony

    First, I must say excellent plugin… Congratulations!
    I read whats new (features and fixed bugs) in 3.5 version and I like it and wanna use this version, but I have a doubt… Since it needs me for developing commercial web application, how stable is this beta version (can I use it without problems for production) and if it is not recommended, when is expected a stable release of jqGrid 3.5. version?
    And one more question, is the view of currently loaded rows (i.e. “View 1 – 10 of 100 rows” and “Page 1 of 5”) implemented features in 3.4 or they are new in 3.5? And if they are in 3.4, how to implement them?

    Thanks in advance.


  26. Rayson
    July 22nd, 2009 at 12:05 | #26

    Hi Tony,
    I’m trying to use the summary row in 3.5 beta. I found results does not format as “currency” (with 2 decimal digits) that I specified in the column formatter.
    I tried to format the data before passing back to jqgrid, but “NaN” was displayed. It seems jqgrid is not happy with the comma (thousand separator) in the string.

  27. Vorapoap
    July 22nd, 2009 at 13:03 | #27

    For those having “internet explorer cannot open the internet site .. operation aborted” problem with jqgrid, move any grid enabling code to onload event or document ready in jquery will solve the problem.

    $(function() { /* enable jqgrid here */ });

    not sure if this can work correctly with tab mode (like in jqgrid demo)

  28. Vorapoap
    July 22nd, 2009 at 13:06 | #28

    To Tony

    I found a bug, this is really a bug.

    Enabling celledit and formedit in jqgrid in the same time can cause this problem.
    To reproduce this,
    Click on the text cell you want to edit ==> textbox appears in the cell
    Click on the pencil icon in the navigator bar ==> the dialog’s form is shown with html code inside text field.

  29. SM
    July 23rd, 2009 at 10:12 | #29

    jqGrid 3.5beta
    When using array data source type, sorting causes doublicating data each time clicked

  30. Khurram
    July 23rd, 2009 at 12:11 | #30

    Tony first of all this is excellent work!
    I’m using in my in-house application since I’m new to all this stuff I’m struggling 🙂

    I found one problem the demo page is not load in my Firefox (3.5) browser .
    Any one has any idea?

  31. Khurram
    July 23rd, 2009 at 12:28 | #31

    One more thing! does anyone has idea
    how do I restrict my colmodel text field it always enter in upper case, no matter capslock is on of off.
    Previously I did this with simple CSS,

    text-transform: uppercase;

    but I do not think we can implement CSS in colmodel, am I right?

  32. Vorapoap
    July 23rd, 2009 at 12:49 | #32

    Hi Tony,

    I would like to report Drag-and-Drop issue on FF3.5, IE7
    Drag-and-Drop a row in jqgrid to the top row causes a messy column size.
    If I drag the top row back to the top, the correct column size is correct again.

    I suspect that it maybe from the the reason that you only define a width for the top row.


  33. Vorapoap
    July 23rd, 2009 at 18:28 | #33

    OK another feature.. — Adding default submit button to the edit/add form, so user can press enter instead of clicking on submit link.

    Currently I have to do this using afterShowForm event

    '.submit(function() { jQuery(\'#sData\').click(); return false; });

    In FF set the default submit button css ‘display’ to none is ok, but not IE.. so we need to set width and height to 0 instead. (In IE if the button’s display is none, the form won’t send ENTER key press to the button)

  34. Vorapoap
    July 23rd, 2009 at 18:30 | #34

    (Sorry for duplication, it seems that HTML doesn’t show up)

    OK another feature.. — Adding default submit button to the edit/add form, so user can press enter instead of clicking on submit link.

    Currently I have to do this using afterShowForm event

    jQuery(jq).append(“<INPUT TYPE=\’SUBMIT\’ STYLE=\’width:0px;height:0px;\’/ >”)’.
    ‘.submit(function() { jQuery(\’#sData\’).click(); return false; });

    In FF set the default submit button css ‘display’ to none is ok, but not IE.. so we need to set width and height to 0 instead. (In IE if the button’s display is none, the form won’t send ENTER key press to the button)

  35. Mary Pham
    July 23rd, 2009 at 21:27 | #35

    Hi Tony,
    I read in documentation that “rowdata” is passed in the custom formatter function, but I only saw rowid and colModel. Is there a way to get rowdata? I need to have a column with link to another page using value of another (hidden) column value as parameter.

  36. Anita
    July 24th, 2009 at 19:39 | #36

    hi Tony,

    Thank you for your reply. I was hoping to be able to modify the jqGrid modal form, didn’t want to make it look like the one in the 3.2 demo. But I will start working on that custom form, can it be created to look like the jqGrid modal edit/create forms?

    Thanks again,

  37. jpsala
    July 26th, 2009 at 00:26 | #37

    Hi Tony,
    can you please see if posting to the forum is ok? I’m not been able to make one, thanks!

  38. jpsala
    July 26th, 2009 at 20:36 | #38

    sorry, it’s working, must be some problem with my firefox 3, 3.5 works fine

  39. Salvatore
    July 27th, 2009 at 03:14 | #39

    Sorry to re-post, But I was hoping there was a function to be able to change the width of a column with javascript, something along the lines of:

    $(‘#mygrid’).setColumnWidth([colName/colNumber?], [width]);

    Is there anything like this, or does anyone have a patch which would achieve this?

    Thanks in advance.

  40. uzi
    July 29th, 2009 at 11:17 | #40

    Due to my last modification to grid.formedit.js to avoid some nasty bugs with subgrids (see comment #46 at page 5), the edit window defaulted to position (0,0) as it was created in the body element instead of the current subgrid. Again, I’ve changed the aforementioned file at line 185:

    editGridRow : function(rowid, p){
    p = $.extend({
    top : 0,
    left: 0,
    width: 300,

    it now reads:
    editGridRow : function(rowid, p){
    var offset = $(this).offset();
    p = $.extend({
    top : offset.top,
    left: offset.left,
    width: 300,

    so now the position of the modal window defaults to the position of the content of the current grid. Alternatively offset can be set to the position of the main jqgrid element instead of its content with $(this).parent().parent().offset().


  41. Dick
    July 29th, 2009 at 19:23 | #41


    Excellent work!!!

    @Caspard had written the following on 07/17:

    “I have added some grids to a jQuery UI Accordion object. All the grids on the accordion child that is expanded by default, displays perfectly. But the grids on the accordion children that are NOT expanded by default, permanently shows the jqGrid “Loading” div on these grids. Any ideas?”

    I too am getting the “Loading” div message, but on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. divs using UI Tabs. Similarly, it works perfectly on the 1st div. I’m using Build 10. Any thoughts on this?

  42. jbingham
    July 29th, 2009 at 23:59 | #42

    Just wanted to share a tweak that worked nicely for me for multiple selection without checkboxes. I wanted to have control- and shift-click work as in other applications: control click toggles selection, normal click clears all selections except what’s under the mouse, shift click selects a range. I got it to work by doing three things:

    1. calling hideCol(”cb”) to remove the checkboxes
    2. suppressing the browser’s default handling of shift clicks with:
    $(table).mousedown(function(e) { if (e.shiftKey) return false; });
    (works in firefox and webkit, haven’t figured out how in ie yet)
    3. modifying grid.base.js to handle standard mouse behaviors like in file explorer and the grids from extjs and dojo

    Here’s the change to grid.base.js (3.5-beta). Replace line 1710 with this:

    // click clears selection
    if (!e.ctrlKey && !e.shiftKey)
    // grow selection on shift click
    if (e.shiftKey && ts.p.selrow && ts.p.selrow != ptr[0].id) {
    var i = $(ts.rows).index($(”#” + ts.p.selrow));
    var j = $(ts.rows).index($(”#” + ptr[0].id));
    if (i > j) { var tmp = i; i = j; j = tmp; }
    for (var k = i; k <= j; ++k) {
    ptr = $(ts.rows).slice(k, k + 1);
    // don't remove current selections
    $(ts).setSelection(false, true, ptr);
    else {
    $(ts).setSelection(false, true, ptr);

    I can send the whole file if anyone's interested. And Tony I'm sure could make it nicer than I can, but it's a start.

    I saw that jquery ui is scheduled to implement control and shift click like this in ui.selectable as of version 1.8.


  43. Dot net developer
    July 30th, 2009 at 08:39 | #43

    Hi Tony

    Wanted to inquire from you that does jq grid supports multi – column sorting and the concept of template columns ? If not , Is it scheduled in a future release ?

  44. at318
    July 30th, 2009 at 13:01 | #44

    Hi Tony,

    When the 3.5 will be released (Come out of beta)?

    Thank you.

  45. jonathan
    July 31st, 2009 at 04:29 | #45

    In case anyone is interested, I figured out how to use jqGrid to enable multiselect using control and shift clicking without checkboxes, like in file explorer. Here’s how:

    1. Turn on multiselect.
    1. Call hideCol(”cb”) to remove the checkboxes
    2. Suppress the browser’s default handling of shift click and drag with:
    $(table).mousedown(function(e) { if (e.shiftKey) return false; });
    $(table).mousemove(function(e) { if (e.button == 0) return false; });
    3. Modify grid.base.js to handle standard mouse behaviors like in file explorer and the grids from extjs and dojo. Replace line 1710 of grid.base.js in 3.5-beta with this:

    if (!e.ctrlKey && !e.shiftKey) // click clears selection
    if (e.shiftKey && ts.p.selrow && ts.p.selrow != ptr[0].id) { // grow selection on shift
    var i = $(ts.rows).index($(”#” + ts.p.selrow));
    var j = $(ts.rows).index($(”#” + ptr[0].id));
    if (i > j) { var tmp = i; i = j; j = tmp; }
    for (var k = i; k <= j; ++k) {
    ptr = $(ts.rows).slice(k, k + 1);
    if(!ptr.hasClass(”ui-state-highlight”)) // don't remove current selections
    $(ts).setSelection(false, true, ptr);
    else {
    $(ts).setSelection(false, true, ptr);

    I can send the whole file if anyone's interested. I'm sure Tony would know how to make it much more efficient and how to integrate it better into the code so it's available for others too. But this got me what I needed and I hope it's helpful to others too.

    Version 1.8 of jquery ui.selectable is scheduled to provide support for ctrl and shift click like this too. See:

    Will be nice to see it in jqGrid too!


  46. Pavel
    July 31st, 2009 at 09:42 | #46

    tony :
    The purpose of multiboxonly is like yahoo mail. Try to click only on checkboxes (on multiselect column) and see what will be happen.

    Hi Tony,

    don’t want to be annoying :-), but I still think there a bug in all builds since build 9.

    After I have defined


    1. The row can be still selected by clicking on the row. (multiboxonly:true is so ignored).
    2. And by clicking on the row and selecting it all other checkboxes are being unchecked!

    So the situation is, if I have selected some rows to do whatever with them and I accidental click not on the checkbox, but near it or somewhere in the row, all my selection is gone and I have to do all it again.

    It was not so in the build 9. There was no action by clicking on the row if it was defined multiselect:true and the onSelectRow event was not defined.

    Thanks in advance! 🙂

    Best regards,


  47. Jerry Butler
    July 31st, 2009 at 16:44 | #47


    I am trying to reduce my memory requirements after moving to jqGrid 3.5. Which jquery.ui commponents are required by jqGrid? Most things work with just the ui core but not all?


  48. Ed Allen
    August 1st, 2009 at 01:48 | #48

    I am trying to get my userdata and having trouble with it.

    getReturnedData()cited in the docs doesn’t seem to exist, when I search over the jqGrid directory tree. So I am trying to get it with getGridParam like this:

    loadComplete: function(){
    var data = $(“#list1”).getGridParam(‘userData’);
    alert(“Data: ” + data);
    displays the alert: Data: [object Object]

    Here is a snippet from the returned XML:


    … followed by cells and remainder of rows …

    and my xmlReader from the .jqGrid configuration hash:

    xmlReader: {
    root: “rows”,
    row: “row”,
    page: “rows>page”,
    total: “rows>total”,
    records : “rows>records”,
    repeatitems: true,
    cell: “cell”,
    id: “[id]”,
    userdata: “rows>userdata”

    The table itself is loading. Do I have something configured wrong or am I failing to understand how to get into the Object returned?

  49. Ed Allen
    August 1st, 2009 at 01:53 | #49

    Forgot to mention in the first posting re my problem with userData, I am using 3.5 beta from about a week and a half ago.

  50. kenboo
    August 3rd, 2009 at 11:52 | #50

    @Steven Black
    I had the same problem, and figured out just now. It’s not a typo. You need to load one of the locale files such as i18n/grid.locale-en.js.

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