
November 2nd, 2014

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dataUrl force POST on edit modal row & how to return proper data
Forum Posts: 13
Member Since:
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Edit: I feel mildly for not mentioning that I am using MVC and visual basic. I can convert c# fairly good though so whatever works.

Hi, I am rather new to javascript, jquery and of course jqgrid.

I have several problems at the moment and would appreciate some help if at all possible.

1. I need to "POST" dataUrl + row_id on edit of a selected row using modal dialog.

2. I need to return data such that all Roles are returned and items are selected based on the User / Roles relationship.

So far I have been able to figure everything out myself with the help of Google… but this is giving me a fit.

Here is my jqGrid code. (sorry I couldn't figure out a good way to post the code!)

//to add datepicker to column search/edit/add //searchoptions: {sopt: ['cn'], dataInit: function(el) { $(el).datepicker({ dateFormat: 'mm-dd-yy' }); } } jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery("#MyDynamicGrid2").jqGrid({ url: '/User/UserGridData/', mtype: 'POST', datatype: 'json', colModel: [ { name: 'EmpName', index: 'EmpName', width: 80, align: 'left', editable: true, resizable: true, searchoptions: { sopt: ['cn']} }, { name: 'UserName', index: 'UserName', width: 80, align: 'center', editable: true, resizable: true, searchoptions: { sopt: ['cn']}}, { name: 'Roles', index: 'Roles', width: 80, align: 'center', editable: true, resizable: true, searchoptions: { sopt: ['cn']}, edittype:"select",editoptions: {dataUrl: '/User/UserGridRoles/', multiple:true, edittype: 'select'}, editrules:{required:true}}, { name: 'Department', index: 'DepartmentName', width: 80, align: 'center', editable: true, resizable: true, searchoptions: { sopt: ['cn']}, edittype:"select", editoptions: { dataUrl: '/User/UserGridRoles/?id=' + $("#MyDynamicGrid2").jqGrid('getGridParam', 'selrow'), multiple:true, edittype: 'select', formatter: 'select' }, editrules:{required:true} }, { name: 'LastActivityDate', index: 'LastActivityDate', width: 80, align: 'center', editable: false, search: false, resizable: true, editrules: { edithidden: true } }, { name: 'UserId', index: 'UserId', width: 80, align: 'left', editable: false, resizable: true, key: true, hidden: true, editrules: { edithidden: true} }], colNames: ['EmpName', 'UserName', 'Roles', 'Department', 'LastActivityDate', 'UserId'], pager: jQuery('#pager2'), rowNum: 20, rowList: [10, 20, 30, 50], sortname: 'EmpName', sortorder: 'Asc', viewrecords: true, imgpath: '/Content/JqGridThemes/steel/images', caption: 'Users', //editurl: '/Reports/DynamicGridDataEdit/', height: 320, width: 900, viewsortcols: true, jsonReader: { root: "rows", page: "page", total: "total", records: "records", repeatitems: false, userdata: "userdata" } }); jQuery("#MyDynamicGrid2").jqGrid('navGrid', '#pager2', { edit: true, edittext: 'Edit', add: true, addtext: 'Add', del: true, deltext: 'Delete', search: false, refresh: true }, { width: 350, url: '/User/UserGridDataEdit/', closeAfterEdit: 'true', modal: true }, // edit options {top: 50, left: "100", width: 500, url: '/User/UserGridDataAdd/', closeAfterAdd: 'true' }, // add options {url: '/User/UserGridDataDelete/', closeAfterAdd: 'true' }, //del options {multipleSearch: true} // search options ); jQuery("#MyDynamicGrid2").jqGrid('filterToolbar', { stringResult: true, searchOnEnter: true, autosearch: true }); jQuery("#MyDynamicGrid2").jqGrid('navButtonAdd', '#pager2', { caption: "Export to Excel", onClickButton: function() { jQuery("#MyDynamicGrid2").excelExport(); } }); });
Forum Posts: 13
Member Since:
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

I found some info on stackoverflow from Olef.

I cannot get this suggestion to work, but I do think it is the right track. Sorry about the code here... I can't seem to figure out how to properly post code in this forum.

editoptions: { dataUrl: '/User/UserGridRoles/', buildSelect: function(data) { var response = jQuery.parseJSON(data.responseText); var s = '"; } , multiple:true, edittype: 'select' },

Forum Posts: 13
Member Since:
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Well I sort of got it working… the only thing is that I cannot know which values to set selected (based on the Users Roles). 

Now the values for the users roles show as comma separated in the grid originally prior to edit.

Where, or how can I tap into this data? If you see below I would be able to set selected for items

that were originally in the grid.

**Can someone help me post code properly to the forum?

{ name: 'Roles', index: 'Roles', width: 80, align: 'center', editable: true, resizable: true,

searchoptions: { sopt: ['cn'] }, edittype: 'select', editoptions: { multiple: true, edittype: 'select', dataUrl: '/User/UserGridRolesJson/', buildSelect: function(data) { data = jQuery.parseJSON(data); var sa = '" } } },

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