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wiki:post_data_module [2009/11/28 08:07] external edit
wiki:post_data_module [2017/12/09 17:34] (current)
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 +<note important>​As of version 4.0 this module is no more supported. Please see \\ Upgrade notes in [[wiki:​jqgriddocs || Documentation menu ]]</​note>​
 ====== Post Data Module ====== ====== Post Data Module ======
-Some time there is a need to manipulate the postData array more preciseAs you known the setGridParam method does not in some cases make what we want. To do this we can use the Post Data module.+ 
 +Sometimes ​there is a need to precisely ​manipulate the postData array. ​ ​The ​setGridParam method does not in some cases do what we want. To do this we can use the Post Data module.
 ===== Author ===== ===== Author =====

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