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wiki:post_data_module [2011/04/16 17:09]
wiki:post_data_module [2017/12/09 17:34] (current)
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-====== Post Data Module ====== 
 <note important>​As of version 4.0 this module is no more supported. Please see \\ Upgrade notes in [[wiki:​jqgriddocs || Documentation menu ]]</​note>​ <note important>​As of version 4.0 this module is no more supported. Please see \\ Upgrade notes in [[wiki:​jqgriddocs || Documentation menu ]]</​note>​
 +====== Post Data Module ======
-Sometimes there is a need to precisely manipulate the postData array. The setGridParam method does not in some cases do what we want. To do this we can use the Post Data module.+Sometimes there is a need to precisely manipulate the postData array. ​ The setGridParam method does not in some cases do what we want. To do this we can use the Post Data module.
 ===== Author ===== ===== Author =====

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