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wiki:pager [2010/04/17 03:30]
wiki:pager [2017/12/09 14:42] (current)
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 Note that it is a <​div>,​ not a <​table>​. ​ Then, you identify the <div> to your grid by placing the name of the div in the grid setting called "​pager"​.  ​ Note that it is a <​div>,​ not a <​table>​. ​ Then, you identify the <div> to your grid by placing the name of the div in the grid setting called "​pager"​.  ​
-First, the HTML definition. ​ We'll name it "​gridpager":​+First, the HTML definition. ​ We'll name it "​gridpager"​ :
 <code html> <code html>
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 |lastpage|integer|Readonly property. Determines the total number of pages returned from the request. |0|No| |lastpage|integer|Readonly property. Determines the total number of pages returned from the request. |0|No|
 |pager|mixed|Defines that we want to use a pager bar to navigate through the records. This must be a valid html element; in our example we gave the div the id of "​pager",​ but any name is acceptable. Note that the Navigation layer (the "​pager"​ div) can be positioned anywhere you want, determined by your html; in our example we specified that the pager will appear after the Table Body layer. The valid calls can be (using our example) '​pager',​ '#​pager',​ jQuery('#​pager'​). I recommend to use the second one.|empty string. Currently only one pagebar is possible.|No| |pager|mixed|Defines that we want to use a pager bar to navigate through the records. This must be a valid html element; in our example we gave the div the id of "​pager",​ but any name is acceptable. Note that the Navigation layer (the "​pager"​ div) can be positioned anywhere you want, determined by your html; in our example we specified that the pager will appear after the Table Body layer. The valid calls can be (using our example) '​pager',​ '#​pager',​ jQuery('#​pager'​). I recommend to use the second one.|empty string. Currently only one pagebar is possible.|No|
-|pagerpos|string| Determines the position of the pager in the grid. By default the pager element ​when created ​is divided ​in 3 parts (one part for pager, one part for navigator buttons and one part for record information)|center|No|+|pagerpos|string| Determines the position of the pager in the grid. By default, when the pager element is created it'​s ​divided ​into 3 parts (one part for pager, one part for navigator buttons and one part for record information)|center|No|
 |pgbuttons|boolean|Determines if the Pager buttons should be shown if pager is available. Also valid only if pager is set correctly. The buttons are placed in the pager bar. |true|No| |pgbuttons|boolean|Determines if the Pager buttons should be shown if pager is available. Also valid only if pager is set correctly. The buttons are placed in the pager bar. |true|No|
 |pginput|boolean|Determines if the input box, where the user can change the number of requested page, should be available. The input box appear in the pager bar. |true|No| |pginput|boolean|Determines if the input box, where the user can change the number of requested page, should be available. The input box appear in the pager bar. |true|No|
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 One event of the grid relates to the Pager: One event of the grid relates to the Pager:
 ^Event^Parameters^Description^ ^Event^Parameters^Description^
-|onPaging|pgButton|This event fires after click on [page button] and before populating the data. Also works when the user enters a new page number in the page input box (and presses [Enter]) and when the number of requested records is changed via the select box. To this event we pass only one parameter //​pgButton//​ (string) which can be - //​first,​last,​prev,​next//​ in case of button click, //records// in case when a number of requested rows is changed and //user// when the user change the number of the requested page.|+|onPaging|pgButton|This event fires after click on [page button] and before populating the data. Also works when the user enters a new page number in the page input box (and presses [Enter]) and when the number of requested records is changed via the select box. To this event we pass only one parameter //​pgButton//​ (string) which can be - //​first,​last,​prev,​next//​ in case of button click, //records// in case when a number of requested rows is changed and //user// when the user change the number of the requested page.  If the string //stop// is returned from the function then the paging will be stopped.| 

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