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Common rules

Grouping is a way to group data by diffrent criteria. jqGrid support currently one level grouping.

The simple way to group in jqGrid is to enable grouping with the grid option grouping:true and define a field name on which grouping occur. The name should correspondent of the name in colModel The definituion is done with array groupField which is a part of another grid option groupingView.

It is important to note that if you want grouping to be correct, then the data should come from server to grid sorted by that field. When we are in local mode (the data is array) the data is grouped (sorted) automatically so there is no need to define additional sort column.

In order to inform the server that we want to have a grouped data, jqGrid add to the sidx parameter the groupField name on which we group. This done only if we have enabled the grouping and the data is remote.

For example if the grouping configuration is defined as:

  groupingView : { 
     groupField : ['name'],
     groupDataSorted : true 
  caption: "Grouping" 

then the request send to the server will look like this (using FireBug)

We should get this information from the request, perform the appropriate sorting server side and return the requested data to the grid. The grid then get the data and do the grouping adding the appropriate (defined) headers and footers.


  1. Currently only one level grouping is supported.
  2. When the grouping is enabled, the following options will be set explicit into the code:
  • scroll = false;
  • rownumbers = false;
  • subGrid = false;
  • treeGrid = false;
  • gridview = true;

Please refer in grid options for detailed information on what these options mean

Options and methods

Grid Options

All options in grouping are set as grid options and can be changed dynamically using the setGridParam method. Two options are related to grouping

  1. grouping
  2. groupingView

The first option grouping is Boolean and enables or disables the grouping feature into the grid. The default values of this option is false. To enable grouping set it to true - i.e grouping : true

The groupingView option is actually a object and consist a lot of other options. Below is a example on how this should be used:

  groupingView : { 
     groupField : ['name'],
     groupDataSorted : true 

Below is the list of the options that are part of groupingView option

groupFieldarrayDefines the name from colModel on which we group. The first value is the first lavel, the second values is the second level and etc. Currently only one level is supported empty
groupOrderarrayDefines the initial sort order of the group level. Can be asc for ascending or desc for descending order. If the grouping is enabled the default value is asc.empty
groupTextarrayDefines the grouping header text for the group level that will be displayed in the grid. By default if defined the value if {0} which means that the group value name will be displayed. It is possible to specify another value {1} which meant the the total cont of this group will be displayed too. It is possible to set here any valid html content.empty
groupColumnShowarrayShow/Hide the column on which we group. The value here should be a boolean true/false for the group level. If the grouping is enabled we set this value to true. empty
groupSummaryarrayEnable or disable the summary (footer) row of the current group level. If grouping is set the default value for the group is false.empty
showSummaryOnHidebooleanShow or hide the summary (footer) row when we collapse the group.false
groupDataSortedbooleanIf this parameter is set to true we send a additional parameter to the server in order to tell him to sort the data. This way all the sorting is done at server leaving the grid only to display the grouped data. If this parameter is false additionally before to display the data we make our own sorting in order to support grouping. This of course slow down the speed on relative big data. This parameter is not valid is the datatype is localfalse
groupCollapsebooleanDefines if the initially the grid should show or hide the detailed rows of the group.false
plusiconstringSet the icon from jQuery UI Theme Roller that will be used if the grouped row is collapsedui-icon-circlesmall-plus
minusiconstringSet the icon from jQuery UI Theme Roller that will be used if the grouped row is expandedui-icon-circlesmall-minus

colModel Options

Additionally if the group summary footer row is enabled we use a option in column model to set the type of the summary field. We add two options in colModel and it name is summaryType and summaryTpl.


This option can be a string with certain values or a user defined function. Bellow is a example of using this option:

  colModel : [
     {name:'amount',index:'amount', width:80, align:"right", sorttype:'number',formatter:'number',summaryType:'sum'},

The option determines what type of calculation we should do with the current group value applied to column. Currently we support the following build in functions:

  • sum - apply the sum function to the current group value and return the result
  • count - apply the count function to the current group value and return the result
  • avg - apply the average function to the current group value and return the result
  • min - apply the min function to the current group value and return the result
  • max - apply the max function to the current group value and return the result

The option can be defined as function. If defined we pass three parameters to it - the current value, the name and the record object. The function should return value. Note that this value will be used again for the group value until it changes.

Bellow is a example on using this function - simulating the sum function.

function mysum(val, name, record)
return parseFloat(val||0) + parseFloat((record[name]||0));
  colModel : [
     {name:'amount',index:'amount', width:80, align:"right", sorttype:'number',formatter:'number',summaryType:mysum},



Nathan Feger, 2010/09/24 16:08

How do you set the text of the summary row?

i.e. if summaryTpl lets you format the sum for instance, how do you get the word 'Sum' or 'Total' to show in another column?

Billy Sauls, 2011/09/20 12:53, 2011/09/20 12:54

To create a row with just text, you'll need to use a custom summaryType function that returns a blank string.

{… summaryTpl: '<div style=“text-align: right”><b>Total Amount: </b></div>', summaryType: blankSummaryType }

function blankSummaryType() { return ””; }

K Lanni, 2012/01/12 23:22
summaryType: function(){}

… is much easier. :)

Makanaki, 2010/09/30 01:21

“groupText” propert should be allowed to be a callback function. Otherwise it's really pain in the ass to manage to fill those lines with data.

Brad, 2011/03/21 21:13

Is it possible to sort by the summarized data? IE, once the grid is grouped, I need to sort by the grouped summary data.

John Rassa, 2011/05/25 18:37

When using groupDataSorted=true the sort parameter (sidx) that is set does not reflect index values set on the column model.

That is to say, if I have a column defined as:

{name: 'name', index: 'indexIsDifferentFromName'}

and I am grouping by field 'name', when the sort parameter (sidx) is set on the server request it is set as 'name' and not 'indexIsDifferentFromName'

alperturkyilmaz, 2011/09/29 14:40, 2011/09/29 14:46

Hi All, is it possible to use different formatter for the data rows and the summary row? If I want to add a summary info (summaryType= count) to a checkbox formatted column, summary value is shown as a checked checkbox. any ideas?

kinds, Alper

Naim Raja Díaz, 2012/07/17 10:49, 2012/07/17 15:41


I'm having a pretty issue, that seems to be related with ordering… The grouping repeats when a change on the data set is received, so if I have a grouping on field 'Name', and data set values are :












Then, the grouping will throw this:

± John - 2 regs

± Peter- 2 regs

± John - 3 regs

± Paul - 2 regs

± John - 1 regs

This is my Grid code (regarding grouping)…

groupingView: { groupField: ['Name'], groupColumnShow: [false], groupText: ['<b>{0} - {1} reg(s)</b>'], groupCollapse: true, groupDataSorted: true, groupOrder: ['asc'] }


jpeterson, 2012/11/20 21:36

Hi all,

Has anyone been able to modify the Summary/Grouping behavior to allow you to add summary statistics to the Header of each group? For example, I have grouping enabled for a number of projects - the only field I want summarized is 'funding' … so rather than waste an entire row to display a sum('funding'), I'd like to be able to include it in the groupText element. Something along these lines:

groupText : ['<b>{0} - {1} Entries, Total Dollars: {sum(funding)} </b>']

Thanks! jp

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