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wiki:change [2014/02/18 12:59]
wiki:change [2014/02/18 14:57] (current)
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 ====== Change Log ====== ====== Change Log ======
-===== jqGrid 4.6.0 changes and fixes ===== +New Log file can be found [[changetwo |here]]
-==== Additions and Changes ==== +
-==== Bug Fixes ==== +
-  * Now it is possible to set all colModel properties in xDimension object array, +
-  * Initial filtering conditions for the pivot, +
-  * Make all properties equal in grouping and pivot grid, +
-  * Now it is possible to add all colModel properties in aggregates array, +
-  * Adding the formatter as property in the agregates,​ +
-  * small fixes suggested by JSLint, +
-  * minimal fixes in clearBeforeUnload,​ +
-  * Readme fixes, +
-  * Fixes in  Taiwan translation,​ +
-  * Better links in README, +
-  * Adding a possibilito to define a custom sort function. The ne parameter is sortfunc and is defined in colmodel. 3 parmeters comapre values a,b and direction 1 for ascending -1 for descendig,​ +
-  * Fix parsing dates. A regular expression is fixed in language files., +
-  * Fix min and max calculations in pivot, +
-  * Recalculating the totals on footer when search with localdata,​ +
-  * Fix calling groupingPrepare when local data, +
-  * Add width paramter to agregator colummns, +
-  * Adding grid.pivot module to the build, +
-  * Remove some not needed var in pivot function, +
-  * Adding resetserach parameter so that when we are using grouping with local data we can rebuild the summary rows., +
-  * Add more properties and info to the grouping formatter,​ +
-  * Fix datepicker to apper if in inline edit and the date is the first column, +
-  * Support timezone in ISO8601Long date format with date ending with '​Z'​ mean UTC., +
-  * Add the previos addition to xml datasource,​ +
-  * Make it possible to calculate the group at once and use the summaries when loadonce and jsonstring and xmlstring are true., +
-  * Introducing hideFirstGroupCol. If the first group column is first visible in the grid the values ​can be hide in order to make better loook (ala tree), +
-  * Initially we need to sort the pivot data before use it when  grouping, +
-  * Add group summary pos and frozen xdimension columns options, +
-  * Fix set summary when group summary pos is set to header, +
-  * Support frozen columns when grouping is enabled, +
-  * coltotal and rowTotal are set to false initially. Fix checking the size of associative array., +
-  * We must replace all spaces on data when build the column, +
-  * Add bower json description,​ +
-  * Upgrade to jQuery 1.10.2, +
-  * Fix resetselection to reset the last selected row in case of multiselect.,​ +
-  * Fix summary in case we want to sum more than one field, +
-  * Fix grand total summaries in pivoting, +
-  * Add a jqPivot function to build the pivot automatically,​ +
-  * Commenting the pivot for future developments,​ +
-  * Change the way to calculate the column totals, +
-  * Full rewitting of the pivot grid with support of grouping columns and rows, +
-  * Formatting changes, +
-  * More fixes for the case on put group totals on header, +
-  * Fix display summary on header, +
-  * Some fixes in CSS regarding IE, +
-  * Fix sortGrid when frozencolumns is on and a non frozen field is sorted. Thanks to Bosko., +
-  * Set the Total column to have formatter number, +
-  * Change language files to support new filter tooolbar search settings, +
-  * Moving help message titles in language file. Add resetIcon ​ to define custom one, +
-  * Formatting changes in viewGridRow,​ +
-  * Fix recreateForm in viewGrid method - the same way as in editGridRow,​ +
-  * The editing form now by default is removed when it is closed. The recreateForm options only set the default position and width of the form. This fixes a lot of other problems.,​ +
-  * Fix setRowData when called with cssp parameter set to null Thanks to rweng., +
 ===== jqGrid 4.5.4 changes and fixes ===== ===== jqGrid 4.5.4 changes and fixes =====

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