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wiki:system [2009/11/28 08:08] external edit
wiki:system [2017/12/09 14:37] (current)
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 ===== System Requirements ===== ===== System Requirements =====
-At the very least, you will need+You'll need the following: 
-  * modern web browser ​like Mozilla ​Fire Fox, Safari, Google Chrome, Opera, Microsoft Internet Explorer ((jqGrid support all browsers that jQuery library ​support. For more information refer [[http://​docs.jquery.com/​Browser_Compatibility | here]] )) + 
-  * jQuery library, version 1.3 or later http://​www.jquery.com +  * Any modern web browserMozilla ​Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome, Opera, Microsoft Internet Explorer ((jqGrid support all browsers that jQuery library ​supports. For more information refer [[http://​docs.jquery.com/​Browser_Compatibility | here]] )) 
-  * jQuery UI theme http://​jqueryui.com/​themeroller/#​themeGallery + 
-  * jqGrid plugin http://​www.trirand.com/​blog/?​page_id=6+  * jQuery library, version 1.3 or laterhttp://​www.jquery.com ​
 +  * Your choice of a jQuery UI themehttp://​jqueryui.com/​themeroller/#​themeGallery 
 +  * The jqGrid pluginhttp://​www.trirand.com/​blog/?​page_id=6 
 +If you want to draw grids based on local (static) data, you'll need to assemble an array, or an xml data file, or a JSON file with data. 
 +But the primary purpose of jqGrid is to manipulate and represent dynamic data over the web.  For this you will also need: 
 +  *A web server (e.g., IIS, Apache, Tomcat), 
 +  *A database backend (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, MSSQL), and 
 +  *A server-side scripting language (e.g., PHP, ASP, etc.)
-To manipulate and represent local (static) data – i.e. array data, data stored in an xml file, or data stored in a JSON file – that's all you need. 
-But the primary purpose of jqGrid is to manipulate and represent dynamic data over the web, and for this you will also need  
-a web server (e.g., IIS, Apache, Tomcat), 
-a database backend (e.g., PostgreSQL, Oracle, MSSQL, MySQL), and 
-a server-side scripting language (e.g., PHP, ASP) 

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