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wiki:import_methods [2009/11/28 08:07] external edit
wiki:import_methods [2017/12/12 17:25] (current)
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   - Grids constructed on the server can be reconstructed after sorting or paging, so a different configuration can be quickly used as required   - Grids constructed on the server can be reconstructed after sorting or paging, so a different configuration can be quickly used as required
   - Grids can be constructed visually on the server and then loaded from an xml string   - Grids can be constructed visually on the server and then loaded from an xml string
-  - Grid configuration can even be stored in the database as xml and then loaded as required+  - Grid configuration can even be stored in the database as xml and then loaded as required.
-It is important to note that jqGrid can load the configuration and data at once.+It is important to note that jqGrid can load the configuration and data at once. 
 ===== Installation ===== ===== Installation =====
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 <code javascript>​ <code javascript>​
-   ​jQuery("#​grid_id"​).jqGridExport(options);+   ​jQuery("#​grid_id"​).jqGrid('​jqGridExport', ​options);
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 Where Where
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 <​note>​When we make the export we export only the grid configuration and the related events. We do not export the navigator. In order to do this you should manually construct the navigator in the jqGridImport using the importComplete event - see below</​note>​ <​note>​When we make the export we export only the grid configuration and the related events. We do not export the navigator. In order to do this you should manually construct the navigator in the jqGridImport using the importComplete event - see below</​note>​
 ==== Importing ==== ==== Importing ====
 This method reads the grid configuration according to the rules in options and constructs the grid. When constructing the grid for first time it is possible to pass data to it again with the configuration. This is done with jqGirdImport This method reads the grid configuration according to the rules in options and constructs the grid. When constructing the grid for first time it is possible to pass data to it again with the configuration. This is done with jqGirdImport
 <code javascript>​ <code javascript>​
-   ​jQuery("#​grid_id"​).jqGridImport(options);+   ​jQuery("#​grid_id"​).jqGrid('​jqGridImport', ​options);
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 Where Where
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 |impurl|string|valid url to the configuration when xml or json. The data is obtained via ajax request| | |impurl|string|valid url to the configuration when xml or json. The data is obtained via ajax request| |
 |mtype|string|Determines the type of request. Can be GET or POST|GET| |mtype|string|Determines the type of request. Can be GET or POST|GET|
-|impData|array{}|additional data that can be passed to the url in pair name:​value|empty ​array{}| +|impData|object|additional data that can be passed to the url in pair name:​value|empty ​object ​{}| 
-|xmlGrid|array{}|describes from where to read the xml configuration and from where the data if any. The option config describes the configuration tag. The option data describes the data tag|config : "​roots>​grid",​\\ data: "​roots>​rows"​| +|xmlGrid|object|describes from where to read the xml configuration and from where the data if any. The option config describes the configuration tag. The option data describes the data tag|config : "​roots>​grid",​\\ data: "​roots>​rows"​| 
-|jsonGrid|array{}|describes from where to read the json configuration and from where the data if any. The option config describes the configuration tag. The option data describes the data tag| config : "​grid",​\\ data: "​data"​|+|jsonGrid|object|describes from where to read the json configuration and from where the data if any. The option config describes the configuration tag. The option data describes the data tag| config : "​grid",​\\ data: "​data"​
 +|ajaxOptions|object|Additional options which can be passed to the ajax request |empty object {}|
 ==== Events ==== ==== Events ====

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