
This page shows diffrent implementations of jqGrid on diffrent platforms. Thank you all the people creating these examples. This page is opened for disscusion, so feel free to tell us other links that we have missed.

Using jqGrid with ASP.NET MVC: Introduction
Using jqGrid with ASP.NET MVC: LINQ Extensions
Using jqGrid with ASP.NET MVC: Finally, A Solution
Using jqGrid with ASP.NET MVC: Search and Formatting
Using jqGrid with ASP.NET MVC: Deleting Records
Using jqGrid with ASP.NET MVC: Understanding LINQ Errors

Cakephp integration

Add a powerful AJAX Table to your Rails Application in 5 minutes

jqGrid with ColdFusion

Rails RESTful jQuery jqGrid integration

jqGrid Patterns

ContextMenu in jqGrid (in Spanish)

Using jQuery based jqGrid with ColdFusion