====== Change Log ====== Old Log data can be found [[change | here]] ===== jqGrid 5.0.2 changes and fixes ===== ====Additions and Changes==== * Support for jQuery versions 1.12.0 and 2.2.0 * Add support for nullifempty in celledit. * Adding name parameter (cell which is changed) to the serializeCellData in editCell method. * Added license property in bower.json * Add support for radio buttons in GetFormData. This allow custom radio button elements to be parsed correct. * Added syncSavedDataFunction in form editing module.The purpose for this function is to synchronize the custom added elements with class .customelement, so that checkOnUpdate will work corrcet. Usefull for custom templates in the form. * Add possibility to define custom formatDisplayField in grouping in case hideFirstGroupColl is set to true. * Added Albanian translation ====Bug Fixes==== * Fix selecting row when cellEdit parameter is set to true * Fix in CSS input width elements in filterToolbar * Fix filterToolbar to allow using of dataEvents. Thanks to Manuel - See: https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/issues/727 * Fixes for pivot grid * Fix in CSS wrapping texts in IE 11 * Fix in CSS subgrid row data border * Fix Equality set of width in dragEnd and setGroudHeaders. Thanks to iguana3 * Fix for checkonUpdate checkOnSubmit ===== jqGrid 5.0.1 changes and fixes ===== ====Additions and Changes==== * Updates in Bulgarian, German Russian and Italian language files * Additions in setRegional method in order to load big data. * Add restoreFromFilters parameter in toolbarSearch method to restore the state after searching and when save/load state is used * Adding keyevent parameter in editRow method (inline edit) to define a desired key event. Default 'keydown'. When used with boostrap typeahead use 'keyup' value of place of keydown. * Added sortname and sortorder in xDimension, so that grouping can be controlled. * Aded ignoreCase in pivot options in case this is needed in some special situations * Adding afterSetGrid event parameter in loadGridState to do some thing after the grid is loaded in searching and save/load state is used. * Added a common function $.jgrid.isGridInStorage * Added restoreCellonFail which determine if the cell should be set or restored on fail. Default true * Update Spanish Translation * Pivot avg fact added * Experimental: Position the validation error dialog next to the cell input element in cell edit ====Bug Fixes==== * Fix bootstrap theme to use table condesed in pager * Removing bad added comments in grid CSS * Fix rowTotals in PivotGrid * Fix restore the state of the grid when a custom buttons are added with navButtonAdd, navSeparatorAdd * Fix loadState method to restore the search strings in filterToolbar * Fix for jqDrag which jumps the window to a default position after draging. Now we use a tinyDragable plugin by Simon Steinberger * Fix Including frozenColumns in the restoring the grid state * Fix local sorting and multisorting to work correct with the indexes when datatype is local * Fix bug in navgrid wheh responsive parameter is not set and width does not match. * Fixes for navigator drop down menu - stopPropagation and click the right menu button in case of more than one grid in page * Grid should be unloaded in loadState method only when all conditions are meet * Fix language text (in language files) to be set correct in navButton menu * Prevent navgrid to be loaded when storeNavOptions is true, but navigator is not initially run * delRowData should reset the select row only if it is equal to the rowid parameter * Fix for columnChooser when show/hide selected columns. We need to use .is(":selected") * Fix reference to table body in addXMLData. * Replace indexOF with inArray (IE8 fix) ===== jqGrid 5.0.0 changes and fixes ===== ==== Additions and changes ==== * Add native bootstrap support. * Added styleUI object class definition this way it is possible to impelemet jqGrid in any CSS framework * Added option responsive where the grid automatically make some calculations * Change keydown with keyup in inline edit when analyzing the enter key (This is a fix for Boostrap typeahead plugin) * Adding the Reload node method in treeGrid - ...jqGrid("reloadNode", record); * It is possible now to define all input types according to the html5 * Add focusField in form editing * Changes in the css to fix and add new settings * multisort now support order of clicking. * Support of mousewheel on frozen columns * Add resizeColumn method + small fix in dragMove * Adding events when expanding/collapsing rows/nodes in treeGrid. The events are as follow:beforeExpandTreeGridRow(rowid, record, childern); afterExpandTreeGridRow(rowid, record, childern); beforeCollapseTreeGridRow(rowid, record, childern); afterCollapseTreeGridRow(rowid, record, childern); beforeExpandTreeGridNode( id, record ) afterExpandTreeGridNode( id, record ) * Add event data population in dropdown - the name is jqGridAddEditAfterSelectUrlComplete * Upgrade to the latest multiselect jQuery UI plugin * Small speed optimization in addXMLData and addJSONData in case gridview is false. * Added onUnSelectRow which is called only in resetSelection * Added this in the onPaging in order to get the new value of the element before processing * Make sure loading message is always visible - thanks to: marek-saji - see: https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/pull/514 * Added new parameter className in groupingHeader to make a custom individual style of every group * Automatically detect language if the loaded language file is only one ==== Fixes ==== * ts.firstElementChild.innerHTML causes more problems that advantages. So drop support of this instead of the speed. * Fix a case when a multiselect with multikey is set and checkbox is clicked only. It shouild be not changed in case the multikey is not pressed * Fix realoding a grid to certain page when a virtual scrolling is enabled. * Fix ruleMenu in filter toolbar if the parent grid element has zindex * Fix submit old input value after select field change in dialog filtering * Fix in addRowdata when altRows and position == last * Fix griResize in case of frozen columns * Fix calculating the width in pager * Fix for gridResize when caption is a vilable and button hide grid is clicked * Fix the columnChosser - we must pass the width instead of tblwidth. * Fix toppager count pager thanks to: windofny * Fix multiselect addAll * Fix rownumbers and check box columns to be set to frozen * Fixing dependecy in bower.json * Fix for frozen columns and multisort * Small fix in multi sort when data type is local * Remove moot version property from bower.json * Fixes for focusField. * Fix Ukraine language code file to be set as ISO 639-1 * Small fix in class definition * Fix multiple select in case of add record in form edit. * Fix position of the select template in search dialog * Fix saving the group headers when we call it mopre than once * Fix Display correct the labels in pivot ===== jqGrid 4.7.0 changes and fixes ===== ==== Additions ==== * support string value for rowattr [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/67802d0ceea37f221dc1208e4b35bea81905b508 | 67802d0]] * support string value for cellattr [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/9053ade2ad537d1622977c95b74d8d6f2b09ebb2 | 9053ade]] * Now subgridurl can be a function [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/714c5b180a4ef242b3f3f49594d328b3df6555cd | 714c5b1]] * improve code of columnChooser [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/f0c71ae32e0bcda0390966ef2e703320de1362ed | f0c71ae]] * Better support for UI controls [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/e01e4ac8ddbdc3bf588263f26497b56fd396b77a | e01e4ac]] * A lot of improvements and fixes in columnChooser. Thanks to Oleg. See http://www.trirand.com/blog/?page_id=393/bugs/resizing-columnchooser-dialog [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/e841c15635b53051e8c6944ca983d3b2bd9ec702 | e841c15]] * Added possibility to set autosearchDelay in filter toolbar [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/d99966cf66bbec852465a279d4e518b26d1c3177 | d99966c]] * Improving performance of loading large local grids [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/357d0d0cce1303b778ad099cd0bd6af5b59b1aa3 | 357d0d0]] * Allow to define named templates [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/59884cb294ee516812074c627d735abb3ad19935 | 59884cb]] * Using progressBar in cellEdit [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/2c32f12c35d25a8c935978490e32f0846560f8c3 | 2c32f12]] * use progressBar in inline edit. add two new parameters in saveRow - saveui to descripe how to display the message and savetext - the message [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/c5ae2c41c614e7f121ef6d46e9806f464c00eee8 | c5ae2c4]] * Use progressBar in beginReq endReq functions and delete the not needed code [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/77523251770778c607290425bb7e4f1baf9dce54 | 7752325]] * Add a progressBar method to replace beginReq endreq methods [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/e01e87b84f626199aeae346d53359a0fc887a646 | e01e87b]] * Add title attributes in the pager and in the header show/hide button. Close to 508 Section [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/53cb5b3900b873cbd15beb8096489f2b22092fc6 | 53cb5b3]] * Add a userLocalTime option in date optins to support local date calculation. [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/0c956d3a6b617ad54678a0fc745accb2a16b2aec | 0c956d3]] * Adding overwrite parameter in setgridparam in order to overwrite the grid parameters. [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/7cbddd60d59f5efea64cc680e72e165b23445b0e | 7cbddd6]] * allow to set focus on select, textarea and button elements [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/60c8392fcff986f411773476e0e5a3b55a412e69 | 60c8392]] * Added raw data (array)in setCell formatter [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/e7e29b9f41a4e076e0c058b51d0edf1f297c073f | e7e29b9]] * Added new parameter in editRow - focusField. If set to false focusing is disabled (usefull whe edit many rows at once). If set to number we focus the desired field. [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/e5a0baae4231df832ab92a9881ca9c027e6afdaf | e5a0baa]] * Adding ui-corner-top to the header div when the title div is hidden [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/f94b7935f16a6fa95af8e18e3ec229a47dc3b528 | f94b793]] * Allow formedit to operate data localy - i.e add/edit/delete [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/844452a83735421149a14db402d1cd5b21ae6c1f | 844452a]] * Add a option in xDimension isGroupField which tell the pivot if this field should be in grouping setupt. [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/f234ea744e9964c84a8229fd975e18483472e5d5 | f234ea7]] * Added minimal column width option when resize - minColWidth [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/26be47a643e9cbf64308d0b474b0bad653a17640 | 26be47a]] * Add option currentfilter in navigator. when used save the current page and filters calling reloading the grid. [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/5696c1359d0fd02901dc812068555a65d3972361 | 5696c13]] ==== Bug Fixes ==== * Update to the latest version of closure-compiler [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/670c8231019c8e3d431148878e6d6ef9aa1bad70 | 670c823]] * Fix calling of jqGridCellSelect or editCell with iCol=-1 [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/c435f8d65eda7fe0bda98e7633c6aef94f0bc70b | c435f8d]] * add --create_source_map [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/60ba3e0cf7955d60e5b7a9b60ba1f45cd3feef0a | 60ba3e0]] * add target.map [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/19774168a9e1b03e16a26bd59fae9bd943dc6700 | 1977416]] * fix typing error [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/2be30a2e8ee86f00ca9238975b4eab44d14190e3 | 2be30a2]] * Generate jquery.jqGrid.map.js [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/d7095b371dfe5c4f6b64bffb238420b5ac88b011 | d7095b3]] * Fix this.grid.cols [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/0ee5c824df09d28aec2b734ce44f0917c9e82cc4 | 0ee5c82]] * Update grid.base.js [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/dadc5500838f2ea932535eece51ee426b4646d97 | dadc550]] * call onCellSelect and editCell independent on beforeSelectRow [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/0e31b64c1a852003e03da159a976ed3727063a21 | 0e31b64]] * Fixes in editRow in case url is set to be a local data array. [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/c3c54f2d753224dae90c559cc5a0d89e4c53c5e0 | c3c54f2]] * Fix groupingGroupBy to group correct if the dattype was local [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/56570d3966b229e7a64a8555b19a4978cfe06a35 | 56570d3]] * Fixed own typo [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/164e296d0f386c70625132ec2592628763e3dc18 | 164e296]] * Update grid.locale-nl.js [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/48cefb6ec9dfb16dc16340f472de4474ea9eabb2 | 48cefb6]] * Fix spelling mistake in Dutch translations. A classic DT spelling error... [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/df8009d30ef9951298105e5ee34666e607ace50c | df8009d]] * Fix refreshIndex in case a localdata row is deleted [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/1b28b6cacdbe6428dd9c5c8d1c6b5b136f36c43c | 1b28b6c]] * Add .ui-jqgrid-hdiv { overflow-y: hidden; } [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/23ef82d72ea5ae3aedf37f9770c3d9ff48287f72 | 23ef82d]] * Fix cut&pased error [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/32795e1641ed0eed15e960a320cd4ed46c3a5627 | 32795e1]] * Remove the alert modal whan the grid us destoyed. [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/bb69148629029443565fa6a293471e3161756dd5 | bb69148]] * Fix setRowData to unformat correct the date field. [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/c1186d420d679f536716bc74ce46cc67de559d7f | c1186d4]] * fix searching menu jQuery UI compatibility [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/51d0bc1a06f702624ea2ee2fb4d3d01c8cb7ea80 | 51d0bc1]] * Fix columnChooser to be compatible with last jQuery and jQueryUI. Thanks to Oleg. [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/d00c55387c6d4e1f09ad2c86534dac0ee21ce8d3 | d00c553]] * Fix editGridRow and viewGridRow to use correct parameter jqModal : false [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/c2ceeced1230ab7e91570c3d9a1400f3e7f0f8ed | c2ceece]] * Fix form dialog in case jqModal is false [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/cf2f4b2c90746f77b48f7dfbe2d2d7a0c435e316 | cf2f4b2]] * Now when dblclickrow or onighClick row are defined we can return true or false to control some behaviours on subgrids. If nothing is returned the we have the old behaviour [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/01b90c805705187eec5d94fa3f02087a032b5d0b | 01b90c8]] * Formatting of the last fix [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/1dd41cb89d0048cb1c356476720929dc5f7c4678 | 1dd41cb]] * Fix in jqPivot in case Array.prototype is used. [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/eb8c8283e9c50c11f1b565f21283b5a690c0f57c | eb8c828]] * Changing roles to be more compatible with screen readers [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/501cb18099b2615f639dede2d8faf5f0888083c2 | 501cb18]] * in multiselect mode, if rowid in the $t.p.selarrow, 'resetSelection' method should clean it [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/e70f490df98d6b7d817d06a0b86663c67be6b119 | e70f490]] * Fix displaying sort icon in the first column [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/328ddfface3fa0cb41db04c9c1a336380c3a0571 | 328ddff]] * Enable the submit button in editGridRow and delGridRow immediate when complete ajax event raises [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/d9ae0e3cf5ad539159c754e6ac488b3e35daa320 | d9ae0e3]] * Prevent save a cell when SHIFT + Enter is activated. [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/269514edb0062260d952b874b63306d6e4679eda | 269514e]] * Fixing cellattr in case there is style attribute with more than one property having -style. [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/18f0bf17a2596c3a45e00594167e57549a034353 | 18f0bf1]] * Lang files changes - part 2 [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/fc5de1b378105eb9916b384a759bcef42699cef5 | fc5de1b]] * Appropriate changes in the lang files - part 1 [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/f04892eec11b68d8216c2368be342b7ac2ccf177 | f04892e]] * Fix a issue when more than two yDimensions and there are equal values in the diffrent ydimension levels. [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/b7c1a3d71cdbaf10ffe07c88070554db6799f033 | b7c1a3d]] * More accurate fix when building the group headers in pivot. [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/a85ef486fff4d3558530dfb9b86f6caaa12a9005 | a85ef48]] * Fix calculation of outerHeight frozen column header [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/0b4442c0084023771cafa6d057a34fe4637fb6f9 | 0b4442c]] * Remove not needed parameter in tree build in pivot [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/f823f57b693051261200415469815bc6a2b60ddc | f823f57]] * Fix building group headers in pivot in case of 3 or more yDymensions [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/97ee9976c5c988a205570b675252c10231d41525 | 97ee997]] * fixing sorting/searching with localReader:{repeatitems:true} [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/553ab60013f9bbaf5374f0d7d29e9b5e5c4e9830 | 553ab60]] * Fixes when groupSummaryPos: ["header"] and groupColumnShow: [false] [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/8cfa6d9c6d191a93d92ec36bae9d601d7e4a9a71 | 8cfa6d9]] * Fix show correct group when showSummaryOnHide is on and minus icon is clicked - i.e collapse group [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/fe3747e03a43b1cf846b25feed43bc243766fa86 | fe3747e]] * Fix show correct summary value when group summary pos is header. [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/bdb6154940e1a4dfb747f6cc829b0e8f9ed9c7e4 | bdb6154]] * Fix frozen column scrolling when footer row is enabled [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/5fa7ec0efbbce6d42eb4cc1d8c0f488fe52edea9 | 5fa7ec0]] * Fix select all checkboxes to skip the jqgroup row when grouping and multiselect are on [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/4eaffc9c50a4372ccc39f4372b114ae7ef4f71d9 | 4eaffc9]] * fixing exception in setting floating on undefined [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/f053f4a6de79fb9071753a2548c2d0077342df39 | f053f4a]] * Fix for #615, [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/aae2251659247ae0155c97e8b523fd8cdf78fa6c | aae2251]] * Fixed bug related to custom element not appearing on search filter $(thd).find(">span").append(celm); never worked because $(thd).find(">span") never returned anything because the element is never a direct child of the element [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/d567aa923efcca2c500dba49b4f3fe509852a99c | d567aa9]] * Mysterious fix in searchrules requiered validation. [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/f0e372d01b2e8ac9e63220b4a3abec43d3f86a06 | f0e372d]] * Fix toolbar filter to use string result if searchoperators are enabled. [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/94b08ccf251e8f6b2a07dd5a91eb20aeb9838ff6 | 94b08cc]] * Fix delRowData to delete the subgrid row in case of subgrid row is expanded. [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/ee61db5025deda6b4a49a4673fab2c623c7f90e7 | ee61db5]] * Fix subgrid click event when virtual scroll is enabled. [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/b4917e03de1c8f0fdc036e6bcf123523a7f8b853 | b4917e0]] * Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:tonytomov/jqGrid.git [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/4c30c0bda3f6f720dfb45c8376f49497e9017b34 | 4c30c0b]] * Now it is possible to overwrite group options in pivot. [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/51bec46cd0cf2384d4a6edf43802f6dcbcbfbf9f | 51bec46]] * We add to options paeameter in createEl function the rowId of the selected row. This way we fix the bug in dataUrldefined as function, where the rowid is passed. [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/e96ca4a8f7ebc7ce57fdc2dfe0041788eb55398e | e96ca4a]] * Fix margin in search toolbar and the input margins in select and textareas. See here https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/issues/520 [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/a4dd0ba4402dcb2bcafe9be0fb6a7744f352db2f | a4dd0ba]] * Single grid page, refresh problem when scroll set to true [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/c05a993d58f5d6c339f7c1291cbb8a3fa5e02360 | c05a993]] * Now it is possible to configure the paging select box with values and display names on it. [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/636233f3250d701269f7ccdeae33452f30fc538c | 636233f]] * Unbind 'mousemove' and 'mouseup' events, which are bound in the 'build' function, from document. modified: plugins/jquery.tablednd.js [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/4590a78b0de998955fba1318d843d3e99115a6ef | 4590a78]] * Fix building dynamic pivot columns in case the data value is numeric [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/781fa4bca00d312567c30e65fbdc450ebcc1ea71 | 781fa4b]] * Improve the performance of getNodeParent in adjacency tree model. Note that with this improvements the speed of loading relative big tree is increased up to 50%. We need to consider all similar methods to be improved. [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/74ed97fbd87ca04e5a7a2aca4914e6d8835c8af3 | 74ed97f]] * Fix multiselect to work properly with grouping. [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/f39c322803ad4bfc39f9b12b7bb3ae2152b8c88c | f39c322]] * Fix bug when keyIndex is used with remapColumns. We replace the index with name and use it in as id hen set. [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/bc8601b8dde4fa29e08b4ca08eead10a87e21316 | bc8601b]] * build.gradle - actual distribution file should not be included when building [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/a2eb6d6ee2663245cdef7714d7dc6d936ca210d3 | a2eb6d6]] * Fix focus on disabled input in inline edit. [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/86ade36336482684dfb17c293cf4986f317f6df3 | 86ade36]] * Fix beforeinitdata parameters in edit/view and del grid form methods [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/fdae4bb3d2f726d33a81fe1f1031c130ea7c1a7d | fdae4bb]] * Change the div height containing the search inputs from 100% to auto [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/b6b89188cfd5991c127b1e9f32d6449d167e61c5 | b6b8918]] * Check if the table element has no id. [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/a2b14594b5906286d28b580822088af7a9fd5e52 | a2b1459]] * Standartize the number and order of parameters in aftersavefunc and jqGridInlineAfterSaveRow. Note for users using it when clientarray is set as editurl. The is tmp and 4 is o [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/e1dfad504ce313067efe128815bd5f46d6c43940 | e1dfad5]] * Fix focusing in IE in view modal in form edit. Thanks to Oleg [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/01ccd711cdcdf1870b07f763058e55085c985478 | 01ccd71]] * Fix focusing a href in viewform for IE. Thanks for Oleg [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/4a4f36924ec8ff8a37a6cb8b2478a4f994bc1290 | 4a4f369]] * Fix checking editoptions multiple in formatter. Thanks to Oleg. [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/e4728e4876a81be52d171f47a0c991b2529b291d | e4728e4]] * Fix settimeout to have dalay on some calls in celledit [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/90ba405e0ce6ae2c0abdbe205d25744ba0525468 | 90ba405]] * Fix the height of form edit modal in case recrateForm is false [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/a0b82ace440714b596689c9e6dd54ad9987da2af | a0b82ac]] * Update grid.addons.js [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/700cf52cc0062ca27774314e78bb900d5179733f | 700cf52]] * Update grid.addons.js [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/c57b8790303c18b0955b5ca07a2fdb766fc27e49 | c57b879]] * Fix grouping when xml datasource. [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/bcb84951baa3c5fa5e41aabe5076bdcec2815f7b | bcb8495]] * Better fix for https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/841769f54e14646f7277663bf4acd86647cf00a6 [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/1967b16a668a8e4c5f381053bbb5bbc65d424379 | 1967b16]] * Smal code optimization in rendering grouping [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/60a53c794f2a607dd206ee4455fa51f7e583acf8 | 60a53c7]] * Fix grouping to get the righ count of records when last grouping [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/e561d9e58536bfe3ce0e745b020d1d3c91bb58ca | e561d9e]] * Consider non-numeric values less than numeric ones when local data sorting on numeric sorttype fields [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/1f33cf7df3b6325bb0fb8512f06099b80962d367 | 1f33cf7]] * Update the last jQuery version [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/11ff0b65e7912b446b164cc45f93fe0c93344f57 | 11ff0b6]] * Making jqGrid.jquery.json equal to bower.json [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/147535a6ae8d2f6115eac9a3d597772a502ba6d5 | 147535a]] * Fix set setSelection in case selrow param is null. [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/841769f54e14646f7277663bf4acd86647cf00a6 | 841769f]] ===== jqGrid 4.6.0 changes and fixes ===== ==== Additions and Changes ==== * Add a jqPivot function to build the pivot grid [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/bbc21451131eaba4ea782de35aa20ac2b6571146 | bbc2145]] * Add: Now it is possible to put the summary row at header or footer (default) introducing a new groupSummaryPos property in groupingView options. [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/8b59f3792ee81f603dca86428ab49b455cd5ecc6 | 8b59f37]] * Adding a possibility to define a custom sort function. The ne parameter is sortfunc and is defined in colmodel. 3 parmeters comapre values a,b and direction 1 for ascending -1 for descendig [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/6131d8a464243d1120278f99a9cdf053246b518f | 6131d8a]] * Recalculating the totals on footer when search with localdata [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/d2fa54b655d66ed408c33872f06aeff15bcd2f8f | d2fa54b]] * Adding grid.pivot module to the build [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/a484d1f245735b281260ff6bf874ac52f758928d | a484d1f]] * Adding resetserach parameter so that when we are using grouping with local data we can rebuild the summary rows. [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/936489cd72558f0566cd8ca716c2bc3ec8300ea4 | 936489c]] * Add more properties and info to the grouping formatter [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/b14c81ed7961a7a60fc504f7a174ed0e14d86e65 | b14c81e]] * Make it possible to calculate the group at once and use the summaries when loadonce and jsonstring and xmlstring are true. [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/cf7ff08e6fe45df1c11d706b3212b2e32cd0ce7a | cf7ff08]] * Introducing hideFirstGroupCol. If the first group column is first visible in the grid the values can be hide in order to make better loook (ala tree) [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/89f398dd6a9a37c31681cf5eac624fc8579beb88 | 89f398d]] * Support timezone in ISO8601Long date format with date ending with 'Z' mean UTC. [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/2de4e389973a8d34b5f15e751e5f3de9b1bcad96 | 2de4e38]] * Support frozen columns when grouping is enabled [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/f4218aca8d59dd7061bc5192b35fbee4175ce187 | f4218ac]] * Add bower json description [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/ec0963299df75c60de5384216c454d95d53d7e52 | ec09632]] * Upgrade to jQuery 1.10.2 [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/890f39419c138edf27ec1a6ab660e2e721ce36d0 | 890f394]] * Change language files to support new filter tooolbar search settings [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/106bdbb9856c08078a12f25d6de3b3d4c84ee23b | 106bdbb]] * Moving help message titles in language file. Add resetIcon to define custom one [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/0616c00e441f402c2236fa04a43c5b9d4d742d69 | 0616c00]] * add ui-corner-all class to close icon in the header [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/cbb30b6c3065bf546ca09d8e44bcc2f0d1340e24 | cbb30b6]] * translate nn/nu message into traditional Chinese [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/d88820b9f14e57fe17b9d64b4e96c828f80e5563 | d88820b]] * translate nn/nu & customfcheck message into Chinese [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/b65b1c93b67176dd4d7d197b5876b8a486181540 | b65b1c9]] * Adding "nu" ("is null") and "nn" ("is not null") to be displayed in Searching Dialog [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/9520d1b801b5faa406eca81a6567ea40dac0d7c2 | 9520d1b]] * Update grid.locale-hr1250.js [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/3cd892051fdfdb166a8a0e23d0a50b8f89290f57 | 3cd8920]] * add 'nu' and 'nn' in $.jgrid.search.odata [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/5e07959bbe397f80d85bda2ea4d7bcb1b7f2ccce | 5e07959]] * Update grid.inlinedit.js [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/d8cf14a0e3996c2e18a32b9be64d45aaf063e05c | d8cf14a]] ==== Bug Fixes ==== * small fixes suggested by JSLint [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/8617458af5f9690cfff4f4176b50948d036c9826 | 8617458]] * minimal fixes in clearBeforeUnload [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/435320e8c1237f5fd4c36e0e54705146a371837a | 435320e]] * Readme fixes [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/600da7897bff55b796c19bea9a180632fd870950 | 600da78]] * Fixes in Taiwan translation [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/8c86bdc4ae3964759b99639ea99030501ff906eb | 8c86bdc]] * Better links in README [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/89e1dfbb6a39c9a01265565844b0e29ac4f4b1c0 | 89e1dfb]] * Fix parsing dates. A regular expression is fixed in language files. [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/28bdb84e3b0a239c92def53f3d404acee66a04d7 | 28bdb84]] * Fix min and max calculations in pivot [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/b2a8f9649ceed725d719a2dc6f7f9c9674bf1928 | b2a8f96]] * Fix calling groupingPrepare when local data [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/0628dc434fc323cbd100eefcda81d90229b2ea6a | 0628dc4]] * Fix datepicker to appear if in inline edit and the date is the first column [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/76dd0b837b53efb30e09015f37e213ecf39bfe49 | 76dd0b8]] * Fix set summary when group summary pos is set to header [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/5872e2542eea9394cc2a18b0932c133487b0ad76 | 5872e25]] * Fix resetselection to reset the last selected row in case of multiselect. [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/258c575d72dd487c453e578593e92e6f62320e14 | 258c575]] * Fix summary in case we want to sum more than one field [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/336950dd16d1759c5d08e6f9501fc6942818712f | 336950d]] * Fix grand total summaries in pivoting [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/2c8771453ca7b9d6ef31c589a846facf704792c1 | 2c87714]] * Formatting changes [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/9e399381b604a76f0d686338184497db24529ace | 9e39938]] * More fixes for the case on put group totals on header [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/d92cdd981cc173699b3e004e279fe0515891e4ed | d92cdd9]] * Fix display summary on header [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/9b6d07c26512ef39d7571a81ccd70638cb267654 | 9b6d07c]] * Some fixes in CSS regarding IE [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/d5693058c8d934b83acc3362aba60f8606dcbfaf | d569305]] * Fix sortGrid when frozencolumns is on and a non frozen field is sorted. Thanks to Bosko. [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/f11bc70a64f89110998e35cb45992029cf4259d8 | f11bc70]] * Set the Total column to have formatter number [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/ea17745c425de1a15170e7e814c6654168151f66 | ea17745]] * Formatting changes in viewGridRow [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/1766e23dbcaf79d6390cd36486e9a17adf51917f | 1766e23]] * Fix recreateForm in viewGrid method - the same way as in editGridRow [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/a6e05c451ce46b64e90218aac063b19a99c7117e | a6e05c4]] * The editing form now by default is removed when it is closed. The recreateForm options only set the default position and width of the form. This fixes a lot of other problems. [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/78a8819739d5775eec9fff2ff9b7c589532362fb | 78a8819]] * fix bug with usage unsaved (empty) value in the last editing input of Searching dialog [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/ba942a5786a0f901ed1a75fbbe08eee72c7e9664 | ba942a5]] * fix applying searching without saving the data in rule [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/ca6b9b1aec7373346148f4b6704e236304d57ba8 | ca6b9b1]] * fix processing of click event on disabled pager button [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/1215097db615ffc9e93564829099b9c3064282e9 | 1215097]] * Fix setRowData when called with cssp parameter set to null Thanks to rweng. [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/5ed501a523f5f88854fb82adcd646f47822508a9 | 5ed501a]] * Remove some not needed params from grouping [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/65be89099e58d75bada1595340dbf2127d532a68 | 65be890]] * Set the sort name to of the last group [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/bec2b92865169331aca30644d05eee00a7e5770e | bec2b92]] * Small fix to previous one [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/d20ff9e0f22e7c587f57769ea756ad123f89c49d | d20ff9e]] * Fix parsing dates which contain "t" in month and week names. Thanks to MetalJim [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/d6eca13ce721ffc62244ead95ce1ce0a9744e26e | d6eca13]] * Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:tonytomov/jqGrid.git [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/372bdac0dd871811d4d6703d4dde41eb7c175385 | 372bdac]] * Moving afterShowForm event in Form Edit so that we can trigger the button events. Thanks to Oleg [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/ac7f60e118044f557799ed52869f84318767caa2 | ac7f60e]] * prevent exception in case of usage footerData(null, ...) [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/e354dc8cff0e31555484d49e918193d1f2074ce8 | e354dc8]] * fixing possible usage of null.toString() or undefined.toString() [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/3e5f92d141f0c5c23d9cd4246ad6cd7c3c1ed863 | 3e5f92d]] * replace 0px to 0 [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/d2ee0f3df05fbc6d8662cc0c9150913d88a4e4a5 | d2ee0f3]] * replace testing for undefined to the testing for null or undefined to prevent warning of usage cm.searchtype below [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/62b9e3b6744fed2ad6c4338ed0f9cd79088028ee | 62b9e3b]] * replace 0px to 0 [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/046f98ed85259bace7e850a93c9b05dfb41e121a | 046f98e]] * replace 0px to 0 [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/2da2ac0def624bdd717189568e449370ce8c1d60 | 2da2ac0]] * fix calling of custom_value with "set" and undefined value [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/f7811c5a69b46e9deca390cc4d6af6614f6f14d5 | f7811c5]] * fix usage of $elem.val(undefined) [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/469d12254ec38562c72628453d72b3432f3f6a7b | 469d122]] * fix the name of jQuery UI CSS class ui-corner-bottom [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/e046d1059a7f2cff98cc2f84faf4e991778470d5 | e046d10]] * fixing usage of `if(undefined>=0)` [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/1471f242ddba907b968f981144536eebbe7d3653 | 1471f24]] * removing usage of global cancelPrm variable [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/ea135988ec618ad50c7f123ce4f8b99f0411188f | ea13598]] * Fix text-overflow:ellipsis for Mozilla [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/95cd6f38d4dc29162c622fe06df58cd3d7de8587 | 95cd6f3]] * Fix font size [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/820aa54a35997869814b735fb057682448259310 | 820aa54]] * Update ui.jqgrid.css [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/6592f7903bdb4962f782df4012e2b4c096aa992d | 6592f79]] * Hide the td element in case of clearSerach in colModel searchoptions is set to false in toolbarSearching. Thanks to Oleg. [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/cb6d88457b5efbbe2f9188a0728e8a872bb49f5d | cb6d884]] * Merge pull request #531 from OlegKi/master [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/08c988e2ab1ba82e78be87298f7738fd326c3f42 | 08c988e]] * Updating Portuguese translation [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/a91bc3491578b36e586451d8e33080f7ffdb0073 | a91bc34]] * Attempt to rewrite namedItem so that it will work in all normal desktop browsers and Safari too [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/9c8c2f652f6482e54d5cdab2de61c1c5d1673b6d | 9c8c2f6]] * fix setting of unneeded options which overwrites values from $.jgrid.inlineEdit [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/aafb73a3173c31f7f3b7ce75f4c44abc87ad21a7 | aafb73a]] * Make so that the jqGrid caption can be align easy [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/cb8eea863ccc2face98b3c7a42e73a82166dc075 | cb8eea8]] * Removing not needed files [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/88fc8b7020f48044b10e0de5d3a084cc26839a6d | 88fc8b7]] * Fixing wrong left position of resizing partition [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/d7eb7f3deb265cf13e229c29f4f65aa2a8ebc60e | d7eb7f3]]