~~DISCUSSION~~ ====== Change Log ====== New Log file can be found [[changetwo |here]] ===== jqGrid 4.5.4 changes and fixes ===== ==== Additions and Changes ==== * dataUrl now can be a function * Adding beforeAddRow, beforeEditRow,beforeSaveRow, beforeCancelRo events in inline navigator. They are called before the action. If function return false the action is not performed. * Adding clear search value button on search toolbar * Add a option selectOnCollapse in subgrid which allow to select a row when it is collapsed and the option is true * To the dataInit is added second parameter - the options. * Add support for JavaScript booleans as values for checkboxes in createEl and $.fn.fmatter.checkbox * If onSearch and onReset callbacs in searchGrid returns false the reloading is not happen. Thanks to emielJ ==== Bug Fixes ==== * Fix cellattr to intrpret correct -style in style expression. * Try to use postData parameter in editoptions to make possible send additional parameters to the dataUrl * Fixes in reading of `page`, `total` and `records`. Fix resetting page 0 to 1 * Fix sorting when frozen columns. * Fix passing parameters in onSortCol when multiselect * Fix calculation of the cell width in Chrome * Fix searchoperations button to be uniquie for each grid. * Fix wrong width of some input fields of searching toolbar in WebKit browsers * call jqGridAfterGridComplete when setFrozen column is called to fix correct display of data (mostly local) * Frozen cell truncation now limited to jqgrid cells, protecting subtables created by custom formatters * Fix parameters in beforeInit event in editGridRow. Thanks to eddi13 * Fix calling custom_value when add operation in fomedit * Fixing resetting of selection end editing if onPaging returns 'stop'. Change the order of some lines to prevent resetting of `selarrrow`, `selrow` and `savedRow` if `onPaging` callback returns `'stop'`. Thanks to Oleg * Fix for firstsortorder colModel option when multiSort is on. * Remove the prefix error message in inline edit. The developer can make this in your message. * Fix resize marker when horizontal scroll appear. Thanks to daxman * Remove javascript:void(0) from the entire code * Fix subgrid to use style instead of class of javascript:void. Thanks to Oleg * Move the beforeEditCell before the createEl so we can change some colModel options. Thanks to brianpeiris * Preserve some error when using treegrid and for some reason the sort field is not found * Fix for search select when changed from equal to is null * Add a code to hide the modal if closeAfterReset is set in serchGrid method * Fix calling the proper name jqGridSortCol in frozen columns. Thanks to banch0140. * Fix for bug Inline Navigator cancel after click pager * Fix determining the id when sortable is set to true and some additional column(s) is set like rownumber, multiselect a nd etc. Thanks to Misanthrope13 * Fix click oper and clear values button in toolbarSearch when surl is used * Fix for isNodeLoaded. We should use the definition $t.p.treeReader.loaded. Thanks to fengwusheng * Fix position of resizable icon created by gridResize. Thanks To Oleg * Fixes in Czech Translation * Fix for "TypeError: ajaxso is undefined" in Single/Advanced searching. Thanks to tpeczek * Fix avg and count parameters in getCol method. Thanks to joec2000. * Fix sortGrid to support frozen Columns * fixing unneeded usage of formatter if formatDisplayField are defined in grouping module. Thanks to Oleg * Showing only top level of grouping headers in case of usage groupCollapse:true option. Thanks to Oleg * Fix namedItem function in iOS7 * Display only the next grouping level or the data in case of expanding of groping header. Thanks to Oleg ===== jqGrid 4.5.1 changes and fixes ===== ==== Addition and Changes ==== * Close search operations menu when clicked outside Grid. * Update Chinese Translation ==== Bug Fixes ==== * Fix for saveRow when we add a row and the indexcolumn is not editable since this is a primary key * Update Chinese Translation * Fix for closeAfterAdd and clearAfterAdd when they set to true and reloading is on * Fix toolbar when we click on toolbar operation not to go on top of page * Fix toolbar operations in case sortable is activated * Fix when frozen columns are on, groupinng is on and useColSpan Style is true * Fix sorting right column when frozenColumns are on and grouping headers are enabled too * Fix date format parsing for full month name when full name and abbreviation are equal * Fix treeGrid to support idPrefix. Many thanks to mestevez * Fix multipleSort to show correct sorting icon * Fix show sort icons when frozen columns and singel sorting ===== jqGrid 4.5.0 changes and fixes ===== ==== Addition and Changes ==== * Add support for multi sorting [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/e50aa4fd2eedff8fb39c3084011128cafa2f5e4a | multiSort option]] * Add possibility to select different search operations in search toolbar. [[ https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/988df4f9bdf9ea88af4bfbd461254767638dd0e4 | Additional parameters]] * Add support of search type "custom" in the filter toolbar * Add a operation parameter (oper) ][[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/eb0d609859d15f8d5a8012fb64514344600e3e0d | (add or edit) in form editing]] events. * Add support of "not exact" grouping by introducing [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/f00d2f8537fea24f71bb175c47ea81c09bb2abc0 | isInTheSameGroup]] array of callbacks in `groupingView` * Remove DateFormat from formatter and replace it with [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/7abfcbe1aa4ff055c5f09dfc5e35a3f984a053e4 |parseDate]] as common date function * The parse date string can now be customized. The option is [[ https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/339c5c8383faf2b33520f99f031567cd4487c12c | parseRe]] in language file. * Adding the searching [[ https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/5d1fb0375e6fd06e85b2728e96f66f940d76f3d2 |translated data and operations]] direct as parameter per grid the options * Add a recreateForm parameter in [[ https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/9dc212c6d9b929d52b949cba83631ff48bf00b5e |viewGridRow]] method ==== Bug Fixes ==== * Fix for [[ https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/ff4f01cd345e067262276f6ddab87be791fd69a2 | autodetection]] of JSON input * Fix saving local data when [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/bcf2d7e21708d65800e679c349dc6cccc5804941 |idPrefix]] * Fix for success ajax response in editGridRow and delGridRow to be compatible with [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/a66553b22a3fd75a21ae6e66adb374502298bd79 | Windows Azure Mobile Services]]. Thanks to Oleg * Fix using masks in [[ https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/27df516af2b55a2fadf0846edb814c4089227bfb | checkValues]] when date field * Fix definition of [[ https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/fc84d30155f020181ef0684b708beeb443850793 | addRowParams]] in inline navigator * Fix checkValues to get the right [[ https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/f7124f414c37f9d75791dc8a0c91463f1f6d70a8 |formatoptions]] from colModel * Fix [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/e6c8076f351954c016fea33f5af9012f2758b4cb |checkUpdates]] to be lunched if overlay is clicked. * Fix cellattr parameter with styles wich contains -style [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/ca8de5dfc936cc404b69c695d96d501752f7fb36 |syntax]] * Fix frozen columns with formatter actions and if this column is set as [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/0045d374f07eba79cac449fcf065ab9689d84212 | frozen]] * Fix [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/37e1926e7d344159c06f8d654a07e09812b0cce1 | parsing dates]] containing T and \T. * Fix bug in [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/bc6252bf1ce3fa9c13962d9610e5f0af309c8560 | search validation]] and forward correct "this" * Fix getting the name [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/0ddd13350c994a1fcfb225a509c0f6ac57d77b9e |label]] in checkValues * Fix calling [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/e84ab68312ca124ddfab49fe3f7bc99fd9c7f79f |checkValues]] in edit modules (due to the new params) * Fix calling bindEv with the right [[ https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/a4de48606e39ed75f35dc7c07044821f3e5e21da | parameters]] * Fix position of error dialog in inline edit to be [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/3169ce890d7033a32360a9dda809068403fcb93a | below]] the row * Fix calling hideModal in info_dialog to use [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/6d16157776480693fd2ea1d3ac89a7c38855cb14 |onClose]] event * Comparation fixes in some function in [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/e65bcde5f7c28eb10da44fe11da7b745c9dc6ba0 | base]] module * Fix grouping to [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/c5aac2be7167226632f077d936b094cd87522782 | toggle]] the elements when the level are more than 2. * Fix usage of [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/9935f5126b57f75a37569c51edf7f2cfce9b9cd8 | columns]] parameter of `searchGrid` in combination with multipleSearch: false * Fix when [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/05eab831e06c80840ced7d7ceb1a814bee3a8041 |virtual scroll]] is active and initial page number is not = 1 * Fix clear search values if [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/2055c0a705bee8f550aa4bd04da2bb8f038764c5 | resetFilter]] (navigator) is not in the grid (build) code * Fix [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/3cdc40c2fb3349f7650cfc22fe0fe07fea098cc7 | jqModal]] if form elements contain position absolute and modal is true * Comparation fixes in [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/8f56617741c8f329ca2f62b48d8710fd3799cfd9 |jqueryui]] module * Fix this parameter in [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/f6b6fd494774f9b9e1f9831a143378da1516d2ed | resizeStart/Stop]] events * Fix [[https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commit/a8953bf39d9ad268882aa42ecb160a94ffc8a955 | rownumber]] selector in pager ===== jqGrid 4.4.5 changes and fixes ===== ==== Addition and Changes ==== * Autodetection of input JSON format (dynamic jsonReader) - thanks to Oleg * Add a minified and source version in GitHub. * Inline navigator buttons have now unique id for easy manipulation * Adding **f** for checking in checkbox formatter * To the custom_func check values ve add a index of the column to be checked. * Removing $.jgrid.stringToDoc and replace it with the identical jQuery function $.parseXML * Removing isNull function from formatter, since it is never used * Removing isUndefined and using the more common object===undefined. * Update Serbian language * Adding jqGridRowAttr handler wich can replace rowattr function * Adding the row id as third parameter in rowattr and jqGridRowAttr * Small improvements in getOffset method ==== Bug Fixes ==== * Fix - Trim the data when building the select from dataUrl. This causes error in jQuery 1.9 if data contain empty lines * Fix in dataUrl for select * Fix check the pager input * Fix setColWidth to calculate correct the width in case of grouping and autowidth are set to true * Fix checkOnUpdate and checkOnSubmit when a select field is used. * Fix focusing the input when the checkOnUpdate is on. * Correct the scroll page bug when clicking on a non-editable cell when celledit mode is active. This bug can be seen only in Chrome. * Fix removing \T option from date parsing string (there is no such one). * Fix checkTime validation function to allow upper case * Fix the custom_func check values we add a index of the column to be checked * Fix treegrid to support idPrefix. * Fix altrows in addRowData * Simplify daysArrayFunction in checkDate * Fix reading bug when id = 0 from response * Fix $.jgrid.checkValues function when colmodel label value is present. * Fix jqGridSelectRow handler to executed only when secon parameter in setSelection is on * Fix extending arameters in restoreRow * Fix removing the new row class in inline navigator after succes saving. * Fix save button to use addRow parameters in case of adding new row when inline navigator * Fix resetting of inlineNav toolbar buttons required in case of saving error * Fix Cancel button in inlineNav to use Add options in case of add. * Fix local data to be written without idPrefix. The same fix is provided when it is read in different methods * Fix calling ondblClick and onRightClick events in grid * Fix sorting when frozen columns * Fix getLocalRow not to use idPrefix ===== jqGrid 4.4.4 changes and fixes ===== ==== Addition and Changes ==== * Removing support for IE6 * Removing jQuery $.browser function, which is deprecated. * Adding our own IE detection function * Adding onInitGrid which is called only once before populating the data. * Small improvements in getOffset method * Changes in InsertAfter, and other as per jQuery 1.9 * Added parameter datawidth in form editing * Include space in escaping the id (jqID) ==== Fixes ==== * Fix overlay setting in viewGridRow * Fix local searching when multiple groups(Oleg). ===== jqGrid 4.4.2 changes and fixes ===== ==== Additions and Changes ==== * Added the position option to navSeparatorAdd such that it works like navButtonAdd. This allows the seperator to be added to the "front" * Making modal alert dialog uniquie for every grid * The common bindEv is supported now in filter UI * Test for null or undefined of rowid as suggested. * Code optimization in grouping module * Hide the navigator buttons in form edit when the next/previous row is not editable * Performance optimizations for idPrefix fix used in formatter * Update Croatian translate * Add destroyFilterToolbar method which could be practical to recreate the searching toolbar.Thanks to Oleg. * CSS code improvemets. Thanks to Oleg * Code optimizations in all modules (checks for null and undefined). Thanks to Oleg * Added Indonesian translation * Add method getMethod, which allow us to get the method as variable and speed the grid when calling this method in loops. Inspiered from Oleg's idea * Added a displayField property in grouping in order to display it instead of default group Value. Thanks to Matthew Hutton * Add Vietnamese Translation * Optimizing searchToolbar to call datainit and events using the common code in common module ==== Bug Fixes ==== * Fix support default values in modal * Fix tabindex attribute changed from 1 to 0.Changing the tabindex to zero meant that jqGrid can still receive the focus, but eceives it according to the normal document flow * Fix autowidth when grouping is enabled * Fix adding webkit browser to subgrid * Fix editing textares containing td elements. Thanks to para * Fix the calling onPaging before calculation of pages and etc * Fix jqModal setExpresssion not cause exception in IE8, IE9 * Fixed search filters addition/deletion * Fix Searching dialog for chrome * Fix cellattr to accept record row as array. Thanks to Oleg * Fix scroll the grid to top after selecting a cell in celledit mode * Fix addChiledNode not to expand rows if it is not set as such * Fix for cellattr to call rowdata in addRowData * Typo fix defaulValue in grid.locale-no.js * Fix checking checkbox formatter adding a "n" as possible value * Fix Calling the events in the editable element after it is added in the dom. This fix the issue to use setTimout. Thanks to Oleg * Fix delRowData in case of multiselect se to true. Thanks to Oleg * Fix addRow to add different id's if they are not set as parameter. Thanks to Oleg * Fix setTreeNode if node has "expanded:true", but no "loaded" property. Thanks to Oleg * Fixing wrong encodding of rowid * Fix calling dataInit in filter toolbar. Thanks to Oleg * Fix calling hideModal. Thanks to Oleg. * Fix template function used in grouping. * Fixing the code where exists the editable column having name="id" in inline edit * Allowing changing of column having `key:true` or modifying rowid in any other way in inline edit * Use a deep copy of extend in form edit functions. * Fix local grouping when value is null * Strip the idPrefix when we pass it in formatter. Thanks to Inara. * Fix generation of id in Refreshindex if the datatype is local. Thanks to Oleg * Fix calling cellWidth only once, which prevent problems in IE when setGridWidth is used to resize the grid * Fix setColProp not to remove existing column properties for object properties. Thanks to Oleg * Fix problem with header table when adding additional divs * Fix wrong class for resizable icon in $.jgrid.createModal. Thanks to Oleg * Fix filter toolbar divs overriding input/ select width setings * Fix addRowData in case of array data and undeined rowid. Thanks to GeorgeG * Fix calling the custom_value when the element is created and is not in add mode * Fix calling dataInit in searchToolbar * Exclude custom_element and custom_value from the list of options whch should not be set as attributes. Thanks to Oleg * Synchronize the serchtype and sorttype in serch module ===== jqGrid 4.4.0 changes and fixes ===== ==== Bug Fixes ==== Please refer to GitHub and see changes from marker 4.3.0 to 4.4.0 https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commits/v4.4.0 ==== Additions and changes ==== We are happy to announce the fresh new jqGrid 4.4 release. This release adds of new functionality and bug fixes. Here is what is new: * Grouping by multiple columns * Little improvements and fixes Many thanks again to Oleg ===== jqGrid 4.3.0 changes and fixes ===== ==== Bug Fixes ==== Please refer to GitHub and see changes from marker 4.2.0 to 4.3.0 https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commits/v4.3.0 ==== Additions and changes ==== We are happy to announce the fresh new jqGrid 4.3 release. This release adds a lot of new functionality and bug fixes. Here is what is new: *Column Freezing – you can now freeze the first N columns of the grid, so that a horizontal scroll bar appears and they stay fixed (frozen) while you can still scroll the un-frozen columns. * Inline add new row – we figured we have “Add New Dialog” – why not have the same functionality for inline editing as well. * Inline navigator – a better way to handle control buttons while in inline add/edit/delete modes * This one thanks to Oleg – support reading any data from XML including attributes. Thanks again Oleg – your efforts are much appreciated. * jQuery 1.7.1 and ThemeRoller 1.8.16 support – the latest jQuery and ThemeRoller releases are now officially supported and tested. A LOT of fixes. The documentation and examples are up to date. You can see it in the appropriate pages. Please, let us know in the comments below what you think about this release and what do you expect in the next releases. Top of list for now – sorting by multiple columns and grouping by multiple columns. ===== jqGrid 4.2.0 changes and fixes ===== ==== Bug Fixes ==== Please refer to GitHub and see changes from marker 4.1.2 to 4.2.0 [[ https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commits/v4.2.0]] ==== Additions and Changes ==== * jQuery 1.6.x cmpatible * Added [[groupingheadar | header grouping]] * idPrefix parameter in the grid to allow not have duplicate id in data row ids in case of two or more grids. * if the beforeRequest event return false the ajax request can be canceled. * Added beforeProcessing event which raises immediatley after the successed ajax request and before executing the adding new data. * Adding Croatian localization * RTL support for the new searchFilter module * Controlling the positions and dimensions of alert dialog - adding the following parameters in navGrid method - alertwidth, alertheight, alerttop, alertleft. alertzIndex * Allow user to override request method for inline edits (GET,POST) - i.e added mtype parameter * Support for optgroup in inline edit ===== jqGrid 4.1.2 changes and fixes ===== ==== Bug Fixes ==== Please refer to GitHub and see changes from marker 4.1.2 to 4.1.1 [[ https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commits/v4.1.2]] ===== jqGrid 4.1.1 changes and fixes ===== ==== Bug Fixes ==== Please refer to GitHub and see changes from marker 4.1.1 to 4.1.0 [[ https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commits/v4.1.1]] ===== jqGrid 4.1.0 changes and fixes ===== ==== Bug Fixes ==== Please refer to GitHub and see changes from marker 4.1.0 to 4.0.0 [[ https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commits/v4.1.0]] ===== jqGrid 4.0.0 changes and fixes ===== ==== Bug Fixes ==== Since the fixes are too much please refer to GitHub and see changes from marker 4.0.0 to 3.8.2 [[ https://github.com/tonytomov/jqGrid/commits/v4.0.0]] ==== Additions and Changes ==== * Support of jQuery 1.5.x * Added new search module. For all features see Search Options and Events. * Updated tree grid module. * Added method addChildNode * Added keyboard navigation in the grid and treegrid. This is achieved with the grid method bindKeys * Added new grid column event - cellattr - this function can add attributes and properties to a given cell. Ideal for merge cells by condition. * Improve Subgrid speed and options. * Added new grid options cmTemplate, which allow to overwrite the default options for the columns. * Added new javaScript method - getLocalRow which return the data from the local data array. Usually used with TreeGrid. * Added Arabic translation * Added Lithuanian translation * Added isNull operator when searching * Updated Finnish translation * Add new event 'onClickGroup'. This event fires after clicking group (to expand or collapse group). See grid events. * When a ui-state-disabled is added to grid row it can not be selected. * Added option in colModel NullIfEmpty to post a null values to the server when the value is empty ===== jqGrid 3.8.2 changes and fixes ===== ==== Bug Fixes ==== * Fix for gridDnD method (Thanks to Oleg) * Fix in grouping module - summaryval array is extended correct with array and not with object. * Fix sorting and resizing in TreeGrid * Fix for groupingRemove method when some rows are hidden (i.e some groups are collapsed) and the method is called with false parameter. * Fix - the group item is using the formatter for it if defined * Fix grouping items when values are null, undefined or 0. * Fix multi selection when putting the values in selarrrow * Fix for SerializeSubgrid call. Thanks to Oleg * Fix for getColProperty method ==== Additions and Changes ==== * Support for jQuery 1.4.4 version * Add a possibility to change the overlay of the modal windows. A new option is added overlay. * Update for Catalan Translation * Added loaded property in treeGrid to prevent subsequent calls on empty nodes * Adding Serbian translation * Added new formatter actions, which allow defining a butttons and actions for inline editing * Form editing (add,edit,delete,search dialogues) now look more ompressive * All functions in grid.common.js now are in jgrid name space. This prevent some function conflicts with other JS libs. * Perform search on filter dialog whenpressing Enter key. Thanks to Oleg * Run the onHeaderClick callback after all animations are finished, so that the callback can operate on the new height Thanks to flack * Make it possible to deselect a selected row by clicking it again - thanks to flack * If colModel has index defined for grouping field, use it for sorting - thanks to flack * Restore inline edited rows in case of form and inline edit defined at the same time. Thanks to Oleg * Now the beforeInitData event can return true or false. If the event return false the the action is not done and the form is not lunched. * Adding templates for colModel, which simplify the code. Thanks to Oleg * Update for Persian language. * Support for Microsoft date format in formatter date. Thanks to Oleg ===== jqGrid 3.8.1 changes and fixes ===== ==== Bug Fixes ==== * Fix: grouping should not be checked with F array. * Fix: When data element in addJsonData and addXMLData is not provided with the response. * Fix: Save the right value when beforeSaveCell is used in cell editing * Fix local sorting when integer data is available and a case insensitive search is active. * Fix in setCell when a index has a values 0. * Fix disabled attribute in checkbox formatter * Fix closing tag in viewGridRow method * Fix XHTML problems in grid base module * Fix grouping by integer. * Fix date formats in German locale * Correct some errors in German locale * Fix: z-index is the same when a modal grid creates a dialogue which contains another grid which calls add/delete/edit dialog * Fix French locale * Fix gettting the right table when more that two DnD tables are set. * Fix for TreeGrid to expand the right index node ==== Additions and Changes ==== ===== jqGrid 3.8 changes and fixes ===== * Set default search options for select to eq(equal) in filterToolbar method ==== Bug Fixes ==== * Fix: dateformatter when pass data as number. * Fix showLink to accept numbers. * Fix unformat select function to return zero value. * Fixes for treeGrid adjacency model * Fix SortTree in base to accept the right sort name * Fix default sorting - converting it to string. * Fix select formatter to use its own separate formatoptions values * Fix for date formatter. * Fix for pager select list (selected item) in Safari/Chrome. * Fix for IE6/7 to remove the right tbody element. * Fix in addLocalData - we replace the sortname with the parameter sortname and not with the name from colModel. This allow us to define a sortindex as function - thanks to Oleg. * Fix sortname which can be defined as function * Fix in addRowData in order to accept complex structures * Fix sorting in treegrid. * Datepicker fix in jqDnR when we drag the modal window * Fix serchFilter to be compatible with prototype library * Fix in multiselect not to select the first row which has a height = 0. * Fix check condition for data array. The data.length is not correct, since we can have empty array. * Fix: unformat function in fillData function. * Fix build file so that the grouping (and all other new modules) is built correctly. Thanks to ari. * Escape all dots in column names instead of just the first one. * JSLint fixes in all modules. * In formatter module all common function are moved to fmatter namespace in order to overcome name duplicate function when other modules are used. * femoved fireFormatter * removed debug function in formatter module. * Fix for the initial table, on wich we should apply empty function. * Fix ant build where the exclude name value was not correctly set * Fix loadComplete order calling. Thanks yo Oleg ==== Additions and Changes ==== * Added grouping * Added sottype function * Remove updateColumns function which is not needed in sortableRows * We use javascript call in cell and inline edit for all events in order to identifiy the grid easy. Usefull in subgrid where the id is unknown. * Removed Danish translation with suffix dk. Added updated Danish translation with suffix da. * Added to custom sort function the second parameter the row data. * Added defaultSearch parameter in filterToolbar * Added errorfunc when in inline edit save method the ajax fail. * All events in subgrid now are executed with javascript call method. * Add galician localization. * Added new option ignoreCase. If set to true the local searching is case insensitive - thanks to Oleg ===== jqGrid 3.7.2 changes and fixes ===== ==== Bug Fixes ==== * Fix export url in export to excel method * Fix searchFilter method to be compatible with other JS libraries * Fix Google compiler error when build min file * Fix when scroll grid option is set to 1 and we have only one page. * Fix local reader when a xml or json string is set * Fix for Spanish Translation. It is called wrong with sp instead of es. * Fix local sorting when name != index. * Fix when we trigger grid and we are in treeGrid mode. * Fix setCell to set correct the value on the first row when datatype is local * Fix for isEmpty function. * Fix getCellIndex method in case when we pass a parameter which is not td or th. * Fix date sorting when local data is enabled. * Fix: with custom element Add worked only 1st time. Thanks to vchekan * Fix: exception can be a string. Thanks to vchekan. * Fix setRowData when datatype local and the rowid is't in the index. Thanks to Oleg. ==== Additions and Changes ==== * Added afterRestoreCell event when the cell is restored. Prameter passing: rowid, value , iRow and iCol. ===== jqGrid 3.7 changes and fixes ===== ==== Bug Fixes ==== * Fix for refresh button which causes two triggering of the grid and not correct clear some data in toolbar filter. * Fix for getAccessor. * Fix for table to grid method to be compatible with other non jQuery JS libs * Fix for unformat select to support values which are delemited with more than two ":" * Fix for inline edit when a ajax error occur. We must call restore row after this * Fix for getting the name as attribute when the element is not a input one (used when custom element is created). * Fix for filterToolbar when autosearch is true in Chrome, Safari browsers. The enter key causes submitting the value. * Fix sorting when the grid is scrolled horizontally and scroll option is set to 1. ==== Additions and Changes ==== * Added local paging, searching, sorting and virtual scrolling. Please see demo New in 3.7 * Added new grid parameter **data**. This parameter can be used directly as array data overcomming addRowData method which is slow on relative big array * Added new grid parameter rowTotal - with this parameter is possible to load all the data at once and operate after that loccaly. Please see the demos. * Added new grid parameter localReader - With this parameter you can configure reading the array data. Have the same role as jsonReader, but for local data. * Update for Finish locale file * Added Hungarian Translation * Added beforeOpen and afterOpen events in info_dialog function ===== jqGrid 3.6.5 changes and fixes ===== Please refer to [[upgrade_from_3.6.4_to_3.6.5 | Upgrade Notes]] ==== Bug Fixes ==== * Fix a array splice in columnChooser for IE browsers * Fix submitting a form in Chrome, Safari when a enter key is pressed * Fix access of undefined function clearToolbar * Fix IE7 exceptions in setGridWidth method * Fix for grid export method when celledit was activated. * Fix parsing empty date strings * Fix selecting a default value for the selects in form editing and common functions * Fix sort data when reload is set to true and we force the reloading * Fix for afterInserRow event to be called properly in addRowData * Fix a checkbox default value when in formedit and a option value is defined in editoptions * Fix a sortable columns not to destroy the grid if the calculated width of the last column when sorted is less than 20px. The correction is to set sortable widget with scrollSensity 1px. * Fix a method of calculation of the width in setGridWidth method where the repeated calling of the method causes the last column to grow * Fix for Chrome and Safari browsers in namedItem function in setSelection method - they return undefined instead of null (as per specifications). * Fix for select when in multiselect mode in createEl function. * Fix for simple subgrid to post the correct id in order to obtain the data. Now this parameter is configurable and is named subgridid in prmNames grid option * Fix for setGridState method to hide/show the top pager. * Fix in css - the grid bdiv get the parent alignment which causes the body table not to be in sync with header. This is true if the grid is defined in a table data element. * Fix setSelection to scroll when scrollrows is true. * Fix the jqGrid loader (also when we are in development mode) to work in Opera. * Fix info_dialog to display custom buttons when close button is not defined * Fix adding undefined class in addRowData * Fix for jsonReader to read correct complex defined ids. * Fix in xlmReader to clear the previous stored userData * Fix pager last and next buttons to be disabled when there is no data * Fix for top pager in setGridState and setGridWidth methods. * Fix in cell edit module - setCell now is called with the force update parameter * Fix for tree grid in IE8 correctly to compare the null data * Fix for checkOnSubmit or checkOnUpdate in editGridRow * Fix for columnChooser method to be compatible with jQuery UI 1.8 when multiselect plugin is used * Fix when a row is selected and we have a input element * Fix when grid is re sizable to properly hide the resizing marks. * Fix adding postdata array as parameter in onclickSubmit event as described in documentation * Fix for scroll:1 added a missing npage parameter in prmNames. This causes last page not to appear in certain situations. * Suppress error when jQuery UI and ui.multiselect plugin are not available. * Fix for for changing the names(texts) in lang file in serchFilter method ==== Additions and Changes ==== * Using reverse in sortArrayData when we sort again the same column omiting agin the sort which is slower when the data is relative big * Add event "closeAfterReset" to search dialog * Adding option cloneSearchRowOnAdd in searchFilter. This clone a row if it is added from an existing row when false, any new added rows will be blank. * Now jsonreader properties (in getAccessor function) can be defined as function to access a complex data * Added new option in colModel title. Default is true. If false the title is not displayed in the cell. Also with this is possible to define a custom formatter and put what you want value for the title. * Added grid options headertitles (default false) if enabled the titles are added to the column headers. * Added Slovak Translation * Update for French Translation * Added support for default search filters auto-population in Multiple Search mode, based on filter settings provided to grid as part of postData. This is done via the new option loadDefaults. By default this option is true. With other words if we lunch the search for first time and we have a setting in postData for the search dialog they are populated in the search dialog. * Support for sorting dates which are defines as AM/PM * added new grid option scrollTimeout (default 200). This control the timeout handler when scroll is set to 1 * Now the delete and edit buttons are configurable in formatter actions. This is done via dellbutton and editbutton otions * Added 6 parameter to setCell, - forecupd. If the parameter is set to true we perform update of the cell instead that the value is empty * Add support for date as number in the date formatter * Adding inlineData as additional grid parameter to extend the posted data to the server when we are in inline edit mode * Added new option deepempty (default false)- this should be set to true if a event or a plugin is attached to the table cell. The option uses jQuery empty for the the row and all its children elements. This have of course speed overhead, but prevent memory leaks. * Adding custom delfunc in navigator * ARIA support is extremely extended. * Speed improvements for setSelection * Now all grid modules are parsed with JSLint * Remove the checking for the url parameter in inline and form edit. * Changing Form Edit code to support custom ajaxOptions * In navButtonAdd we support now only text. In this case the buttonicon should be set to "none" * Sorttype option in colModel can be defined as function. To this function is passed a value to be sorted and it should return a value. * Add a 'firstsortorder' option to colModel. If set to asc or desc, the column will be sorted in that direction on first sort. Subsequent sorts of the column will toggle as usual. * Added a new option overlay (default true) in search dialog options. If set to false the cover overlay is disabled and the user can interact with the grid. * Now to the buttons in the navigator we can add a class ui-state disabled. When this class is added not only the button is disabled, but the same action * In order to support jsonp we deprecate the using of complete event in ajax. Now we use success event for all datatypes that make requests to the server * Added Support for Date object in formatter function * Update for Chinese translation file ===== jqGrid 3.6.4 changes and fixes ===== ==== Bug Fixes ==== * Fix for columnChooser - we pass the right parameters to multiselect widget * Fix jqModal and jqDnR to work with jQuery 1.4.x * Fix for getAccessor to suppress error when the expression can not be obtained in case of json data * Fix in jqGridExport method to export properly the filters property in postData * Fix in filterToolbar compiled code - caused from Google Compiler. ==== Additions and Changes ==== * Update in Japanese translation ===== jqGrid 3.6.3 changes and fixes ===== ==== Bug Fixes ==== * Fix subgridtype if defined as function in subgrid module. * Fix sortGrid method to accept sort order too as 3 parameter. * Fix proccessing option in delGridRow * Fix sortArray data to accept datetime as parameter. * Fix for info_dialog function to be focused when is lunched. * Fix typo in searchFilter method. * Fix for unformat function to accept the rowId * Fix in inline edit when the edittype is textarea and a Enter is pressed - now we create a new line and do not save the data to the server. * Fix the position of info dialog when the validation return false in inline edit - now the position is relative to the edited row and not at top of the grid. * CSS fixes for the simple subgrid header * Fix a typo which causes disappearing the text in IE when in subgrid mode. * Fix formatter select to accept values containing more than one : - i.e 1:10:57 will display 10:57. Useful for hour representation * Fix columnChooser to be called more than once if it is already loaded. * Fix in exportGrid - the reference to jqGrid parameters causes grid to be destroyed. * Fix when we sort local data to call loadComplete and gridComplete events * Fix tableToGrid function to work with other Java Script libraries * Fixed problem when scroll is set to 1 and the romNum parameter is less than 10 rows * Fix a bug in inline edit when data is posted via ajax. The loadui appear now correct preventing from clicking in the grid until the ajax request does not end * Fix in cell edit mode now we disable any other interaction until the data is not saved (via ajax) * Fix a bug when deleting a row with reloading and we are in treeGrid mode * Fix a bug for lastpage when obtained from the response. * Fix for scroll:1 option to calculate the page properly. * Fix calling more than once gridDnD on the same grid to update target grids correct via connectWith parameter. * Fix setSelection when checking for subgrid row. Some speed improvements when select/deselect row and we are in multiselect mode and have relative big data presented in the grid. * Fix when scroll:1 and altRows:true * Fix in gridExport to delete the interlnal columns properly when used in Safari and Chrome browsers. * Fix tableToGrid function to build properly the column names in colModel * Fix checking a date when defined as two digit year * Remove empty tool-tip - a fix for IE * The Japanese Translation was set incorrect as jp, Now we set it as ja * Fix in all editing modules when autoencode option is set to true. * Fix columnChooser to save the positions of the columns if they are marked as hidedlg : true. ==== Additions and Changes ==== * Update in Czech, Icelandic and Swedish translation files * Change default values in filterToolbar. * Added option in onSortCol event to return stop. If this the event return stop all other processing is stopped and you can define here a custom sorting algorithm * addRowData method can now add a data at once if the data parameter is defined as array. * To all grid events we pas this (including the custom formatter function).I.e. inside every event we can use this which points to the grid. * In editGridRow and viewGridRow methods now we add a option viewPagerButtons (default true) which enable or disable the previous and next buttons in the form. * Added beforeShowForm event in viewGridRow method * Update for Chinese Translation * Adding the modal option to info_dialog function * Added option toppager, which place the pager at top. Also both pager can coexists and are refreshed in sync. The id of the new created pager is a combination of the gridid+"_toppager". * Removed _height option which is not used anymore. * Added new option in navGrid cloneToTop (default false) which clones all the actions from the bottom pager to the top pager if defined. Note that the navGrid can be aplied to the top pager. * Added ajaxOptions to import modue * Better key navigation in filterToolbar method when autosearch is true and searchOnEnter is false. * onPaging event can return stop string In this case the populating of data is not performed and we can define custom one * Extending prmNames grid parameters. Also this way the posted operations (in all editing modules) can be configured. * Added beforeRefresh event in navigator refresh button * Improved JSON reader. Now we can read more complex data from the response * Update for Italian translation * Switch to Google compiler which reduce the javascript file with about 12-15% ===== jqGrid 3.6.2 changes and fixes ===== ==== Bug Fixes ==== * Fix the bottom corner radius in the grid for pager in FireFox, Safari, Chrome. * Fix afterSubmit event in delGridRow method to accept all posted data * Fix the select defined as string to accept ":" if defined more than one item - i.e a:b:c in editoptions.value property will be shown as b:c - Useful when defining a time variables * Fix restoreRow method in inline editing to put in the grid only the editable fields, this prevent some confusions when you bind event to cell which is not editable * Fix in gridResize method, so that we can resize more than one grid. * Fix for cell editing to save the right values when we move from the editable cell to another one with mouse click * Fix for setCell to support tree grid. * Fix IE6/IE7 height problem for disappearing the text in subgrid in the last rows * Fix sortableRows to support row numbering * Fix searchFilter to accept \ and " as input value * Fix typo for class=tinfo in editGridRow method ==== Additions and Changes ==== * Update for Swedish translation * Update for Spanish translation * Added Chinese translation * Add a possibility in setCell method to remove all the classes when a css parameter is set as empty string. * Added recreateForm option (default is false) in setColumns method * Added two classes in viewGridRow - one for the label //form-view-label// and another for the data //form-view-data// , so we can control these with css * Added new property in colModel //viewable// - where we can define which cell is viewable in viewGridRow * In navigator we add clearToolbar action to be executed when refresh button is clicked - this way the data is cleared when filterTollbar is used and there is no need to define additional button. * Adding support for string search parameters in filterToolbar - this is exactley as tose in searchFilter method i.e. the resulting search parameters is configured as string and added as filters property to postData object- to use this feature we need to set a new property //stringResult// The default value is false - setting it to true will post the searching data as string. * Added searchOnEnter (default false) in filterToolbar - if set to true the search is performed automatically after key is pressed. * Added parameter to clearToolbar 'trigger' (for navigator support) if the parameter is set to false the grid is not triggered, but the data is cleared. ===== jqGrid 3.6.1 changes and fixes ===== ==== Bug Fixes ==== * Fix when we do not include jQuery UI. This causes a error when loading jqgridui ad-dons module. * Fix in Column chooser in aply_perm function not to return permutation array element, which are object. Now converted to integer * Fixing the xmlJsonClass.toJson function not to modify the input object. This causes bad export and destroys the jqGrid object when used in FireFox and Linux and Mac. * Fix resizeStop event to accept valid parameter * Fix build.xml in order to work without errors with ant * Fix for top info to appear in form editing * Fix for custom_value callback in editing modules * Fix If the server ever returned no data, populateVisible had trouble getting going again * Fix a local scoping issue * Fix a refresh issue with the continuous scrolling option * Moving to   instead of   Also fix a closing tag in the pager select box * Fixing a searchFilter to use the new property introduced in 3.6 searchoptions:{value:...}. This settings conflicts with value option in searchFilter plugin. In order to preserve the functionalities a the name of value option in the searchFilter plugin is changed to itemval. * Fix a problem with sortable columns when the grid has been scrolled horizontally * Fix formatter to accept right names when a custom one is defined. * Fix for gridDnD in accept option. Also possible one grid to accept dropping from more than one grid. * Standartization of custom_value callback - we passed two parameters - exption is only formedit where we have 3 parameters * Fix resizing the last visible column in the grid * Removing unneeded variable when triggering the grid and datatype is local * Fixing formatter to accept the right parameters. ==== Additions and Changes ==== * Update for Brazilian-Portuguese language file ===== jqGrid 3.6 changes and fixes ===== ==== Bug Fixes ==== * Fix problem with getAbsoluteIndex on IE8 * Fix in triggerReload grid to reset the savedRow array. * Fix in setGridWidth method when try to resize a grid a and there is no data. * Fix header aligment in ie8 * Fix in createEl function to check for val and not for html when select * making getChangedCells method compatible with unformat function if defined * Fixed record count when scroll true * Fix in setSelection method to accept numbers * Fix IE header checkbox when multiselect is true * Fix for searching DOM elements with id containing special characters * Fix a checkbox checking in form editing module. * Fix getCol to use unformat function * Better looking buttons in form editing * Fix searchFilter in IE7 and IE6 not to return undefined value when more than one field is searched. * Some fixes for datepicker UI in inline and cell edit (when present) * Fix in setLabel method not to clear the sort icons when we set new label * Fix in form edit when a formatter select is used * Fix the id pollution when multiselect is enabled. Now the id of every common multiselect is combination of cb_ + id of the grid * Fixed bug when deselectAfterSort false and we are in multiselect mode * Fix in unformat number and currency * Fixed bug when creating a select with dataUrl and select is set to multiple. * Fix a bug when creating select with multiple option. Also the attribute should be set immediatley after the element is created and not after. * Fix a bug in form edit. The comapared values should be trimed since of split(",") which cause the elements to begin with space. * Fix a jqGrid loader (development version) for IE browsers * Fix for form icons in Opera * Fix getGridParam to return values 0 or false * Avoiding the overhead of local functions and maintenance issues when the parameters change * Opera fix for cursor col-resize * Fix in editGridRow when a save key is defined and the key is Eneter we should not do save when we are in teaxtarea element * Fix in formatter checkbox when the value is undefined. We also add a default format for the checkbox too * Fix addRowData to use key:true (keyIndex) when rowid is not defined * Fix formatter bug for the select to use the defaultFormat * Adding a 3 parameter to the unformat function - the cellobject. * Fix alternate rows when we sort data locally. * Fix in addRowData for alternate rows when we add item as last * Fix collapseRow in treegrid preventing infinite recursion * Fix in stripHtml function to parse numeric values * Fix in delGridRow to get "fresh" Data from delData object * Fix problems with width option if set as string. * Fixing $jgrid.format function in base module to accept undefined parameter. * Fix for saveRow method in aftersave function. Also we pass the request and not the responseText. Also both aftersave and success functions have the same type parameter - the response * Fix for serchhidden in searchGrid method * Fix for setGridWidth method * Fix setColWidth function * Fix for topinfo and bottom info in formedit to appear separately in edit and add dialogs * Fix searchFilter css to work when called from subgrid * Fix celledit to work better when datepicker is attached * Fix in viewGrid row to visualize only the columns that only not hidden. * CSS fix for subgrid * Fix for display totalpages in pager in IE6/7 ==== Additions and Changes ==== * New API * RTL Support * Column reordering * Added life scrolling of data * Added gridResize method which can resize the grid. Also use a jQuery UI resizable and can use any options of this widget * Added sortableRows method which allow us to sort rows with drag and drop * Added gridDnD method. The method connect two or more grids so that drag and drop rows between these is possible * Add columnChooser method which allows choosing/sorting columns at the same time. This method requiere multiselect plugin * Now getRowData can return all rows when rowid is not set. * getCol now can return summary, average and count of the selected row. The 3 parameter determines this (valid are sum, avg, count). If this parameter is set and is valid, the returned value is a scalar.If the param is not valid the returned value is empty array. * To setRowData we add a 3 parameter. If the parameter is string we use addClass to add classes. If the parameter is object we use css to add css properties. Note that we can set properties and classes without data, in this case we should set data to false * Adding a event object to ondblClickRow and onRightClickRow events as 4 parameter * Add a ant based build system which allow us to minify the JS code * Added custom validation property in editing modules * Added possibility to create custom element in editing modules * Adding support to configure the ajax request in a way that user want. This is done in all modules where ajax is used. * Added class in cell edit and inline edit so that the cell or row can not be edited - the corresponding classes are 'not-editable-cell' and 'not-editable-row'. * Added Hebrew Translation * Added a beforeCheckValues event in editGridRow method. The execution is before checking the values. Should return object of the posted data. * Added Romanian translation * Added a property classes in colModel where we can attach classes to column. * info_dialog function can be used as separate modal dialog * Added a class ui-ellipsis in grid css file. Also work in FireFox too. * Changind the order of calling the events beforeSearch and beforeClear in filterToolbar method. Also the events are called immediatley after triggering the grid * To onCellSelect we replace the 4 parameter with the more natuaral event instead of e.target - sorry if this will bring to some confusions. * Added searchoptions value parameter in order to separate the editing module and search module. We first look for such option in searchoptions and if not found we use the editoptions value * Added fixed property in colModel which allow us not to change the column width if shrinkToFit is true and we set new width of the grid. * Added buildSelect function to deserialize data for the select. This is optioncan be added in editoptions or search options ===== jqGrid 3.5.3 changes and fixes ===== ==== Bug Fixes ==== * Fixed bug in unformat function. Bad check for undefined type * Fixed bug in using mask when the formatter is date. Now we can newformat:'LongDate' where LongDate is defined into the masks. * Fixed bug in inline edit. Now the hidden editable fields are treated as editable. * Fixed bug in setColumns method when we use two or more grids with the same names. * Fix for delGridRow method - added is a class ui-state-error for the error messages. * The common createEl function with type select now search not only by text, but by key in order to support unformat for selects * Fix in getCell and getRowData methods to support unformat * Celledit fixes when formatter is used and name contain some spacial charcters. * Fix a return value if click jqgrid row. Usefull when we have links, checkboxes and etc in subgrid. * Fixing height and aligment in filter toolbar. * Fix for formatter showlink addParam options. * Fix Spelling errors for formatter and unformat functions * Fix for IE browsers to select text in filterTollbar * Fix for cell editing. colModel is extended after the formatCell event, but not before. * Fix a tbltogrid function to be compatible with 3.5 version of jqGrid. * Fix for paging calculations * Fix some bugs with double defined variables and jqModal to work with Intellisense. * Fix in addRowData method when we use before as source and source is the the first record. * Fix in setSelection method when there is no existing id. * Fix for GridToForm when a checkbox is present in the form and there is definition in the colModel which edittype is checkbox * Fix in jqModal plugin when IE8 and modal parameter is set to true * Fix when we click a row which is already in edit mode - in this case we do not execute the onSelectRow event. * The language file can now be called after the jqGrid plugin. Before it should be called before the plugin * Fix in form editing module. Also if not set, the 'size' property (in editoptions object) works as follow: in cell edit or inline edit it is set to the width of the element - in form edit it is set to 20 (default). The same for textarea. * Fix in resetSelection method - now we set the aria-selected attribute to false. * Fix in htmlEncode method. * Fix in subGrid to support not only mapping property. Also if the mapping is not defined we use name property. * Fix in unformat for numeric integer and currency type when the thousand separator contain special characters like ".", "'" and etc ==== Additions and Changes ==== * Improvents in fillData functions in both editGridRow and viewGridRow methods * Added new parameter in setColumns method - updateAfterCheck which immediatly show/hide column when click on it. When this is enabled the submit button is not created. * Added unformat for the selects when a formatter of type select is defined. * Added errorTextFormat event in editGridRow method. This allow to better output of the error messages when a server error is present. * Added event afterRefresh in the navGrid method. The event fires after we press the refresh button. * Added new parameter in FormToGrid method where we can add rows to the grid. * Added setGridState method to show/hide grid. The method does not execute the onHeaderClick event into the grid. * Improvements when autoencode is set to true. * Speed improvements of reading data when second and etc. calls to the server. * prmNames now can be configured not to pass certain parameters - setting them to null. * Added time checking in the editing modules. Also the format is only hh:mm and optional am/pm * Update for Turkish language file * Update for Dutch language file * Added Support of jsonp in the base grid * Improved info_dialog function. Now the function can be used as modal dialog passing to it the content. * The event object is added as additional parameter to beforeSelectRow event. * editoptions value for the edittype select can now be defined as function which should return string or object * jqGrid is now Bluprint.css compatible * getCol method now can return array of objects containing the id and value of the column. * Adding support in getFullTreeNode method (treeGrid) for the adjacency model. ===== jqGrid 3.5.2 changes and fixes ===== ==== Bug Fixes ==== * Fix a missed closing tag of the grid * Now when autoencode is set to true we encode the data coming from server and not only when we post it (secutity fix) * Fix in searchGrid method - the sdata variable should be defined as object and not as array, which causes problems in postData array parameter * Fixed a missed initial settings in editGridRow for clearAfterAdd option * Fixed setSelection - now it returns nothing if no id is set * Fix setLabel method - now we change the name in colNames array too. * Fix in German translation ==== Additions and Changes ==== * Added Dutch translation. * In navButtonAdd method is added new parameter - cursor - which determine the cursor when we mouseover the element \\ \\ ===== jqGrid 3.5.1 changes and fixes ===== ==== Bug Fixes ==== * Additional fixes for the loading message (I hope that this bug is finally fixed). * Fix getRootNodes method for adjacency model in tree Grid module - The bug causes bad sorting. * We remove searchdata param. It is not needed and causes a lot of problems when perform the search. All the posted data is added in postData Array directly. * Fixing a bug in searchGrid method in form editing module - now we use the postData array instead of serchdata, which is removed * Fixing the reset button in searchGrid method when multipleSearch is false. The values does not clear from the input element. * Fix for filterToolbar and filterGrid methods - we use a postData array and not the searchdata when posting (serching) data. * Fix a missed function check in jqGridImport method. We badly refer to non existing parse method (replaced in 3.5 version) * Fix in unformat function. Now we pass the value, but not the object(standardize the parameters to format and unformat function) * Fix for not correctly defined **svr** array in inline edit module, which causes the savedRow to have strange structure when asking it for data. * Fixing bug for minValue and maxValue checking in grid.common.js - the validate does not perform if some of these values is 0 - this is interpreted in JS as false. ==== Additions and Changes ==== * The rowNum parameter now can accept value rowNum=-1 which load all the records without any other check. * Added parameter **totaltime** which measure the loading time of the records - currently available only when we load xml or json data * Added parameter clearfooter to clearGridData. If the method is called with this parameter set to true the footer data is cleared too. * All passed parameters are now configurable in prmNames options array. See jqGrid options array. * Adding additional parameter postdata (the posted data array) to onclickSubmit event in editGridRow method * Added Norwegian translation * Updated Italian language file * Updated French language file